Wydarzenia – ostatnio zakończone

The Signal Processing Symposium SPSympo 2021

The Signal Processing Symposium is a biannual international conference that brings together students, researchers and scientists representing a broad spectrum of computer science and radio-electronics disciplines, to present their latest findings and new trends shaping future research directions in science and technology. The first SPSympo has been organized in 2003 and after 18 years it... Read more

The international conference on Mechatronic Systems and Materials (MSM2020)

The international conference on Mechatronic Systems and Materials (MSM2020) is the 15th MSM conference, which brings together scientists from spectrum of mechatronic systems and materials and also other related to them, i.e. robotics and automatic control, industry 4.0, computer science, smart materials with biomaterials and applications, and related fields. The conference provides an intense multidisciplinary... Read more

The 36th Symposium on Hydroacoustics

The Symposium on HYDROACOUSTICS (SHA) is the only conference in Poland where representatives of science dealing with issues of underwater acoustics and users of hydroacoustic systems meet. It has been organized regularly for over 30 years. The symposium is an opportunity to present the latest achievements in all major areas of hydroacoustics and to promote... Read more