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The Signal Processing Symposium SPSympo 2021
21st wrzesień 2021 - 23rd wrzesień 2021

The Signal Processing Symposium is a biannual international conference that brings together students, researchers and scientists representing a broad spectrum of computer science and radio-electronics disciplines, to present their latest findings and new trends shaping future research directions in science and technology. The first SPSympo has been organized in 2003 and after 18 years it is well established and excellent forum for active participation in workshops, lectures, and scientific discussions in technical and evening sessions.
A main focus of SPSympo-2021 will be smart sensing systems that incorporate Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) for signal and image acquisition, transmission, processing and analysis in a broad range of applications covering remote sensing systems (radars, sonars, imaging, sensor networks), IoT, telemedicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation, robotics, human-system interaction, environment monitoring and space technologies.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to Lodz for SPSympo-2021!
Piotr Samczynski and Pawel Strumillo