Teleconferences | September 20th


EUROPE: 15:00 – 15:30 Central European Time.  

Note that the afternoon International Teleconference takes place at 9:00 – 9:30 AM EDT in the in the Americas.

Click here to join meeting:

Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) – a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone.

United States: +1 (571) 317-3129

Canada: +1 (647) 497-9391

France: +33 (0) 182 880 456

Netherlands: +31 (0) 208 080 379

Switzerland: +41 (0) 225 3314 51

Italy: +39 0 247 92 12 39

United Kingdom: +44 (0) 330 221 0086

Germany: +49 (0) 692 5736 7210

For telephone numbers in other countries click here: Teleconference Call-In Numbers

Access Code: 695-500-341
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Meeting ID: 695-500-341


Attendees: Jim Murphy (Lawrence Berkeley) and Bob Arno (Harris Corporation)


(Note that we are returning to the GoToMeeting teleconferencing platform until the bugs are worked out in the IEEE WebEx teleconferencing system.  A test session with IEEE technical support will be scheduled in the near future.)


International Standards:

International Electrotechnical Commission

Next 60364 Revision Cycle

Central European Electrotechnical Commission

US National Committee for the IEC

IEC SyC Smart Grid & Smart Energy Standards | recent comments submitted to NEMA, the US TAG

ITU Global Regulators Symposium

Help with this website (WordPress, HTML, PHP, CSS competencies desired)


Overview of the Lawrence Berkeley Campus Power System | Jim Murphy presentation

#SmartCampus page

IEC SyC Smart Grid & Smart Energy Standards

IEEE Standards Association Project Authorization Request Form PAR

NFPA – RF Project Phase II Funding | Project underway

Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedure for Uninterruptible Power Supplies

NSF/IEEE/GEC 426 Network Server Performance Standard

4. NEXT TELECONFERENCE: At the IAS Annual Meeting, October 3rd, 9:30 AM Pacific Time, Columbia Room, Portland OR Downtown Marriott


AMERICAS: 3:00 – 3:30 PM Eastern Daylight Savings Time

Meeting ID: 138-320-757

United States: +1 (646) 749-3129

Canada: +1 (647) 497-9353

Access Code: 138-320-757

Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Attendees:  Mike Anthony (Chairman),  Jerry Jimenez (University of California, Berkeley), Jim Murphy (Lawrence Laboratory Berkeley), Tammy Gammon, PhD. (Georgia),  Lorne Clarke (University of Alberta, Edmundton), Kane Howard (Michigan State University), Keith LaForga (University of California), and 3 other unidentified callers.


(Note that we are returning to the GoToMeeting teleconferencing platform until the bugs are worked out in the IEEE WebEx teleconferencing system.  A test session with IEEE technical support will be scheduled in the near future.)


Outsourcing campus power system development, O&M (Ohio State University example)

Status of IEEE Recommended Practice for Campus Power Distribution Systems PAR

International Standards:

International Electrotechnical Commission

Central European Electrotechnical Commission

US National Committee for the IEC

ITU Global Regulators Symposium

Help with this website (WordPress, HTML, PHP, CSS competencies desired)


Overview of the University of California Berkeley Campus Power System | Jerry Jimenez presentation


IEC SyC Smart Grid & Smart Energy Standards | recent comments submitted to NEMA, the US TAG

NFPA – RF Project Phase II Funding

ASHRAE 90.1 and ASHRAE 90.4 Energy Standard for Data Centers:

#SmartCampus page

All electric vehicle performance in campus service fleets

Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedure for Uninterruptible Power Supplies

4. NEXT TELECONFERENCE: At the IAS Annual Meeting, October 3rd, 9:30 AM Pacific Time, Columbia Room, Portland OR Downtown Marriott