The IPCSD organizes the publication of scholarly articles in the publications sponsored by the IAS. This includes broadcasting publication opportunities, and organizing the technical review of the proposed entries. Many members of the IPCSD technical committees are reviewers or Associate Editors of one or another of the IAS publications.
Papers submitted to the IAS Transactions are required to have been presented at a conference first. This policy provides the authors and the readership an additional level of review, whereby the input of conference attendees can be included in the paper before Transactions publication. However, this presentation-first policy does not apply to any other IAS publication. Since December 2016, as a consequence of a new IEEE policy, IAS does require a paper to be modified after a conference presentation before it is submitted for publication in any of IAS’ sponsored journals and magazines.
IAS publications as well as conference proceedings are free to IAS members (join IAS – Only $20/year, $10 for students), electronically on IEEE Xplore. Print version are also available for a modest annual fee.
A comprehensive list of IAS publications and related details can be found on the relevant IAS webpage (here). They include:
The Transactions on Industry Applications.
The IAS Magazine.
The Open Journal of the Industry Applications.NEW
The Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, JESTPE, (since 2013), co-sponsored with PELS.
The IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, sponsored by PELS, 45%, IAS, 30%, PES, 15%, and VTS, 10% (since 2015).
The Electrification Magazine, (since 2013), co-sponsored by PES, IAS, PELS, and TEC, with IES, ITSS and VTS as technical co-sponsors.
The IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, led by PES and technically co-sponsored by IAS among others.
The IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid , similarly led by PES and technically co-sponsored by IAS among others.
Special issues:
Several special issues on specific topics are being prepared.
Special Issue For IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification
Special Issue For IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics