Jumpstart Your Job Search: April 13 Program (WEBEX)

Hope you’re planning on attending (virtually) our April 13 meeting. Yes, we are engineers so why not take advantage of technology? Our wonderful speaker, Elizabeth Lions is back for another enlightening presentation. Invite your friends to join us for:

Speaker:      Elizabeth Lions

Topic: Jumpstart your Job Search and Maintain your Career Pursuing During this Crisis

Program: During the past few weeks the Coronavirus (Covid-19) has brought the American economy to a virtual standstill. With the economy halted there has been major job loss in a number of fields including engineering. IEEE-USA has invited Elizabeth Lions, Author, Human Resources Professional and Executive Career Coach, to discuss what people can do right now if they’ve lost their job due to this worldwide pandemic. Ms. Lions will give us tips on how to interview virtually, how to continue job searching now so you can find opportunities and still practice social distancing. Join us for this webinar on the Five Things Successful Job Seekers Need in 2020.

Stay safe!

Maura Schreier-Fleming

IEEE Dallas Consultants Network Chair