Saturday, January 12, 2013 from 10:00-16:00 – RESCHEDULED DUE TO EXTREME WEATHER CONDITIONS
Saturday, January 19, 2013 from 10:00-16:00
E3-528 EITC
University of Manitoba
Dr. Amhad Byagowi and Kiral Poon
In this workshop, students will learn to master the Arduino development board and the Arduino IDE. Through a series of tutorials, participants will be taught how to harness the Arduino’s more advanced features to create powerful and efficient embedded systems.
This workshop will also include a project component. Participants will be taught step-by-step how to desgin and implement a persistence-of-vision text display using an Arduino, a breadboard, and some LEDs.
An Arduino is required for this workshop. Participants who do not have their own Arduino may purchase one from UMIEEE for $35.
Prior exposure to programming, electronics, and the Arduino development environment are strongly recommended.
$10 for IEEE student members per workshop $15 for non-members per workshop
The deadline for ordering Arduinos through UMIEEE is January 6, 2013.
To register, complete and submit the secure registration form..
- University of Manitoba Amateur Radio Society (UMARS)
- University of Manitoba Space Applications and Technology Society (UMSATS)
- University of Manitoba IEEE Student Branch (UMIEEE)
- IEEE Computer and Computational Intelligence Chapter
- IEEE EduManCom Chapter
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Manitoba
For more information contact Kiral Poon or Ray Blostein.
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