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UofM ECE Department Seminar

Dr. Martins will be discussing a new field test that adequately assesses the oscillation damping effectiveness of the PSSs in a multi-generator power plant. The test allows estimating the location of the dominant open-loop poles from frequency response measurements of the closed-loop multivariable system.

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APEGM Student Networking Dinner

APEGM’s Annual Networking Dinner is held to help encourage student engineers and geoscientists to become more involved in their profession before graduation. The dinner features a delicious meal, a guest speaker, and activities to encourage interaction between the students and professionals.

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Robotics and Control Chapter Seminar

In this presentation, Dr. Jacky Baltes and Dr. Cheng will talk about the methods that robotic soccer teams have developed to solve computer vision problems in the robotic games domains. Various developments for both global vision as well as local vision based approaches will be discussed.

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