The following individuals have volunteered to participate on the Section Executive for 2011. This is subject to ratification at the 2011 AGM currently schedule for January 13.
Chair: Shaahin Filizadeh
Shaahin Filizadeh is an Associate Professor with the Department and Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Manitoba, where he has served since 2004. Dr. Filizadeh is a Senior Member of the IEEE and a member of the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES). He specializes in electric power systems, power electronics, and hybrid and electric vehicles. He is actively involved in several IEEE PES working groups.
Dr. Filizadeh is the past Vice-Chair (2005) and past Chair (2006) of the IEEE Winnipeg PES chapter. In 2010 he served as the IEEE Winnipeg Section Vice-Chair. Dr. Filizadeh is a registered professional engineer in the province of Manitoba.
Vice-Chair: Andrew Roncin
Andrew Roncin is excited to be rejoining the IEEE Winnipeg section executive. As a past GOLD coordinator and RRC Student Branch Counselor, Andrew has encouraged students to be involved in IEEE and enjoy the company of like minded peers. Over the last three years, he has been involved helping kids thought scouting and the RRC technology exploration camps. Last year, he served as the Area 43 governor for Toastmasters in Winnipeg.
Over the next year, Andrew hopes to help the IEEE Winnipeg have a banner year. He is looking forward to the power systems conference, and to helping facilitate IEEE events.
Treasurer: Majid Ostadrahimi
Majid Ostadrahimi received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree both in electrical engineering from the Sharif University of Technology and the Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 2003 and 2006, respectively. Currently
he is pursuing his Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering at
the University of Manitoba, as a full time student.
He became a member of IEEE since 2009 and worked with the Winnipeg section as Treasurer in 2010. He held a Senator position at the university of Manitoba in 2009-2010. During this term, he had the honour to represent graduate students in University Senate.
Secretary: Jordan Hiebert
After attending high school in his hometown of Steinbach, Manitoba, Jordan Hiebert proceeded to Red River College and graduated with a diploma in Electronic Engineering Technology in 2010.
While a student at the college, Jordan became interested in the local IEEE Student Branch, and in January of 2010 agreed to volunteer as Chair of its executive committee. During his time with the student branch, its membership more than doubled and several new events were held for interested students.
Currently Jordan works as an Electronic Designer at E.H. Price where his duties include PCB layout, prototyping new products, and writing firmware for embedded systems.