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ICA-SYMP 2021 in Bangkok to be held in the form of “HYBRID” conference

An announcement from the ICA-SYMP  2021 Organizing Committee


Dear researchers and scholars,

The 2021 2nd International Symposium on Instrumentation, Control, Artificial Intelligence & Robotics (ICA-SYMP 2021) will be held at KMUTT Knowledge Exchange and Innovation Center in Bangkok, Thailand during January 20~21, 2021. 

The onset and unpredictability of the coronavirus pandemic have caused severe impact the world over, not least the academia and research community. The organizing committee, after thorough discussions, has decided that ICA-SYMP 2021 will be held in the form of a “HYBRID conference”, which allows either on-site or on-line participation. We invite the participants without traveling constraints to join the symposium in Bangkok, and the others join through the online interactive platform. For the online participants, the registration fee will be deducted.

Please note that the peer review processes will still proceed as usual. However, the paper deadline submission is extended. Please consult the attached Call for paper (cfp) for more details.

We sincerely invite you to contribute the paper to the ICA-SYMP 2021 with safeguards from the pandemic. We are working our best to make a fruitful academic forum, in which all the participants enjoy the presentation either on-site or online and interactive discussion. We look forward to meeting you all at ICA-SYMP 2021.

Thank you for your kind understanding and cordial support throughout this most challenging of times.


Best regards,


Prof. David Banjerdpongchai, Ph.D.
General Chair,
On behalf of the organizing committee of ICA-SYMP 2021.

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