Celebrating IEEE PES Day 2020 In Singapore

Due COVID-19 pandemic that declares Global Health crisis, IEEE PES Leadership Team announced to postpone PES DAY celebrations in the month of April. For the safety and well-being of our PES members in Singapore, PES Singapore Chapter volunteers and ambassadors have extended our celebrations through Online PES DAY Educational & Technical Activities. In collaboration with Newcastle University in Singapore, face-to-face activities were scheduled on 28th May 2020 in Zoom Video Conferencing to deliver Power & Energy Quiz and other online educational activities. A total of 48 Final Year Engineering students from Newcastle University, Singapore participated in the technical quiz and top three winners were given e-certificates, as a part of the IEEE PES DAY celebration; Wang GuoQuan, Daryl Haw Choon Kiat, and Chan Jun Yang Bryan.
Download IEEE PES Day 2020 Toolkit
Download the 3rd IEEE PES Day 2020 Singapore Event Report
Webinar Courtesy of IEEE PES HQ
PES DAY Webinar on Use of AI in Power Sector
Date: 27 April 2020 10AM EST
Link: https://bit.ly/2VuntNX

PES DAY Webinar on Offshore Wind Energy
Date: 29 April 2020 10 AM EST
Link: https://bit.ly/2yAQoXG

Celebrating IEEE PES Day 2020
In Singapore

Due COVID-19 pandemic that declares Global Health crisis, IEEE PES Leadership Team announced to postpone PES DAY celebrations in the month of April. For the safety and well-being of our PES members in Singapore, PES Singapore Chapter volunteers and ambassadors have extended our celebrations through Online PES DAY Educational & Technical Activities. In collaboration with Newcastle University in Singapore, face-to-face activities were scheduled on 28th May 2020 in Zoom Video Conferencing to deliver Power & Energy Quiz and other online educational activities. A total of 48 Final Year Engineering students from Newcastle University, Singapore participated in the technical quiz and top three winners were given e-certificates, as a part of the IEEE PES DAY celebration; Wang GuoQuan, Daryl Haw Choon Kiat, and Chan Jun Yang Bryan.
Webinar Courtesy of IEEE PES HQ
PES DAY Webinar on Use of AI in Power Sector
Date: 27 April 2020 10AM EST
Link: https://bit.ly/2VuntNX

PES DAY Webinar on Offshore Wind Energy
Date: 29 April 2020 10 AM EST
Link: https://bit.ly/2yAQoXG