We are thrilled to share that our chapter has been awarded as part of the prestigious IEEE PES High Performing Chapter Program (HPCP). This recognition is a testament to the dedication and hard work of all our members, volunteers, and supporters.

A Heartfelt Thank You!

This achievement would not have been possible without the contributions of every one of you. Your enthusiasm, dedication, and participation in chapter activities have played a crucial role in earning this recognition. We extend our deepest gratitude to all of you for making this success possible.

About the IEEE PES High Performing Chapter Program

The IEEE PES High Performing Chapter Program (HPCP) is an initiative designed to reward and recognize outstanding chapters for their activities and contributions to the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES). In 2023, 62 chapters were recognized for their exceptional performance, with a total of $36,920 awarded across all qualifying chapters.

Our chapter was evaluated based on criteria such as:

  • Active participation in events and activities
  • Contributions to the PES community
  • Reporting and engagement through the annual chapter report

The funding we’ve received will help us continue to deliver value to our members and support future initiatives aimed at furthering the goals of the Power & Energy Society.

Looking Ahead

With this recognition, we are even more motivated to continue organizing impactful events, fostering community engagement, and advancing the field of power and energy. We look forward to another successful year filled with opportunities for learning, collaboration, and growth.

Stay Connected!

Keep an eye on our upcoming events and initiatives by following our announcements. Your participation and feedback are crucial to the continued success of our chapter.

Once again, thank you for your ongoing support and dedication. Together, we will continue to grow and make meaningful contributions to the IEEE PES community.