An introduction to the 3D Subnanometer Compositionally Sensitive Technique of Atom Probe Tomography

Tuesday June 16, 2015
Noon – 1  pm
Texas Instruments (TI) Auditorium E-1
2900 Semiconductor Drive
Santa Clara, CA



TITLE: An introduction to the 3D Subnanometer Compositionally Sensitive Technique of Atom Probe Tomography

SPEAKER: Mr. Robert Ulfig, LEAP Product Manager, Cameca SAS


An introduction to the 3D subnanometer compositionally sensitive technique of atom probe tomography (using the Local Electrode Atom Probe – LEAP), especially how it has been used in semiconductor applications such as silicides, shHigh-k dielectrics, Si/SiGe[B], compound semiconductors, 3D device structures, and optoelectronics. The latest techniques to target single devices with novel sample preparation techniques will be highlighted as well as the advantages for yield and data quality of the latest instrumentation, the LEAP 5000X. Time will be reserved for discussion and the potential of the technique for specific semiconductor applications.

Robert M. Ulfig joined CAMECA Instruments Inc. (Previously Imago Scientific Instruments) in 2001 after working at Advanced Micro Device’s Submicron Development Center in Sunnyvale California where he worked as a Senior Process Engineer in the Lithography and Thin Films Groups. He completed his MS in Materials Science and Engineering in 1997 where his research projects included development of a plasma source ion implantation system for semiconductor research, including work with Oak Ridge National Labs investigating implanted silicon with Atom Probe Tomography.

At CAMECA Rob initially developed the manufacturing process for the local electrode for the Local Electrode Atom Probe (LEAP®) systems. He also developed key sample preparation procedures, including Microtip coupons and an automated electropolishing system. During his time at CAMECA, he has worked as the Applications Lab Manager, Technical Sales Engineer, and now works as the LEAP Product Manager where he oversees the customer training program, works to develop new applications with customers, and integrates the activities and requests from customers into the latest and greatest of CAMECA software and hardware.


  • 11:30 am – Registration & light lunch (pizza & drinks)
  • Noon – Presentation & Questions/Answers
  • 1:00 pm – Adjourn