Awards Subcommittee

Chair: Dr. Zhaoyu Wang, Iowa State University,

Vice Chair: Dr. Fei Ding, National Renewable Energy Laboratory,

Secretary: Dr. Sarina Adhikari, Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc,

Past Chair: Dr. Anil Pahwa (2016-2020)


The PSOPE Awards Subcommittee was formed in 2017 upon reorganization of IEEE PES Committee structure when PSO and PSPI committees merged as a result of reorganization. The objective of the Awards Subcommittee is to recognize and honor the contributions of IEEE PES members in the PSOPE area. The subcommittee has the mission to render IEEE PES members in the PSOPE area feel appreciated for their contributions. Each year, the subcommittee is responsible to select awardees of the following Technical Committee-level awards:

  • IEEE PES Technical Committee Prize Paper Award 
  • IEEE PES Technical Committee Working Group Recognition Award for Outstanding Technical Report
  • IEEE PES Technical Committee Recognition Awards for Outgoing Committee & Subcommittee Chairs
  • IEEE PES Technical Committee Distinguished Individual Service Award

The recipients of prize paper, technical report, standard or guide at the PSOPE level can be also nominated as candidates for the PES level award. 
