Bulk Power System Planning Subcommittee

Bulk Power System Planning Subcommittee

Chair: Dr. Rui Bo, Missouri University of Science and Technology, rbo@mst.edu

Vice-Chair: Dr. Xin Fang, Mississippi State University, xfang@ece.msstate.edu

Secretary: Dr. Rafael Ferreira, World Bank, rafael.sa.ferreira@gmail.com

Past Chairs:

Dr. Pengwei Du, ERCOT, Pengwei.Du@ercot.com

Dr. Joseph Yan, Southern California Edison, Joseph.yan@sce.com

Dr. Amy Li, Southern California Edison, Amy.Li@sce.com


The Bulk Power System Planning Subcommittee disseminates information to the industry on how and what power system planners have to do to ensure the resource adequacy, reliability and resiliency of the interconnected bulk power systems;  and the economics, environmental sustainability and financial soundness of energy resource portfolios,  while facing evolving government regulations and policies (e.g., carbon emission initiatives),  changing business environment, (e.g., renewable and demand-side resources, distributed and centralized resource availability, and asset management) and uncertainties.

This Subcommittee also highlights the long term issues to support this bulk power system planning discipline.  The major focus is on how bulk power systems (i.e., power delivery systems that are at voltage levels higher than the MV distribution systems) are planned. Items of particular interests could include the following:

  • Resource adequacy and fuel diversity
  • Resource integration, including conventional, renewable, storage device,  demand-side, and distributed  resources integration
  • Transmission planning
  • Interconnection planning, including long-term outage coordination
  • Inter-regional and intra-regional planning
  • Long-term demand forecast at the system level or circuit level
  • Renewable resource forecasts in power system planning
  • Gas and electric coordination in power system planning

Working Groups and Task Forces: