Technologies and Innovation Subcommittee

Technologies and Innovation Subcommittee

Chair: Dr. Alfredo Vaccaro, University of Sannio,

Vice-Chair: Dr. Song Zhang, Amazon,

Secretary: Dr. Feng Qiu, Argonne National Laboratory

Past Chairs:


The Technologies and Innovation Subcommittee addresses new technologies, innovation and support needed to ensure proper power system planning, operation and electricity market operation.  The need for innovations arises because of the changing business environment and technology offerings.

Along this innovation front, this Subcommittee focuses on the following areas: (1) the need to address flexibility (e.g., to accommodate the intermittency of renewable resources, to provide centralized and distributed intelligence control capabilities) in power system planning and operations, whether at the transmission or the distribution system levels; and (2) the need to integrate new technologies, such as PMU, FACTS, HVDC, Dynamic Line Rating, EV, virtual power plants, microgrids and energy storage in power system planning and operations; and (3) modeling and security aspects of news technologies related to power system planning and operations.

Along the support front, this Subcommittee focuses on the following areas: (1) Forecasting of load, renewable resources, and market prices for power system planning and operations, as well as market operation; (2) Control Center Software development to support new applications such as those needed for WAMPACS and IDRMS; and (3) Asset management and asset condition monitoring to ensure high availability of grid asset in the most economical manner. (4) Coordinated transmission and distribution system planning and operations.

This Subcommittee will actively collaborate together with other groups and subcommittees of the PSOPE Committee as well as of other Committees, e.g., AMPS, to promote new solutions and technologies.

Working Groups and Task Forces: