IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) Malaysia Chapter will be organizing a short video competition “Corporate Video IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter”. The competition will be open to all IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter member and student member.

The competition will take place from 23 December 2020 – 15 January 2021. The short video should display participant’s creativity and uniqueness in relaying information for IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter.

The rules for the competition are as follow:
1) Only 1 submission is allowed.
2) The length of the video shall not exceed 1 minute.
3) IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter shall own the copyright of the video once the submission has been carried out.
4) The format of the video shall be in MP4 format.
5) The materials for the video is given in the attachment. Extra materials related to IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter are encouraged to be included in the video.
6) Submission should be carried out through Google drive link by sending to

The main prizes are as follow:
1st prize: RM 300
2nd prize: RM 200
3rd prize: RM 100
Consolation prizes

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