Overview of IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter

IEEE Power & Energy Society (IEEE PES) Malaysia Chapter is a non-profit organization which gathers members with Power and Energy related background. With the objective to create a platform for exchange of ideas and knowledge, IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter has managed to sustain its activities, spanning from knowledge networking, industrial visits, distinguish lecture series, technical conferences and as well as social gatherings. IEEE PES Malaysia is one of the 26 technical chapters under IEEE Malaysia Section. It was established in 1992 with the first chair of late Prof. Hussein Ahmad from UTM. The total number of memberships are varying every year with an average of 250-300 members.

Since its establishment, IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter had achieved many outstanding recognitions at national and international level. This including IEEE PES Outstanding Chapter Award (OCA) as winner in 2020 and 2007, runner up in 2012, 2014 to 2019, High Performance Chapter Program (2001 to 2020) and few times runner up in IEEE PES Website contest. Furthermore, IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter had also organized IEEE PES flagship conferences such as ISGT 2014, APPEEC 2018 and recently, POWERCON 2022. IEEE PES Malaysia has also successfully run its own by-yearly international conference, PECON that has started since 2006. PECON 2022 has recently being hosted in Langkawi, Malaysia.

PES Mission

To be the leading provider of scientific and engineering information on electric power and energy for the betterment of society, and the preferred professional development source for our members ~ Approved by the IEEE PES Governing Board, 17 July 2003.

PES Field of Interest

The scope of the Society embraces research, development, planning, design, construction, maintenance, installation and operation of equipment, structures, materials and power systems for the safe, sustainable, economic and reliable conversion, generation, transmission, distribution, storage and usage of electric energy, including its measurement and control.



Last Updated: 12th September 2024

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