IEEE PES Malaysia Outstanding Student Volunteer Award

IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter recognizes the importance of student volunteers and has established the Student Volunteer Award for those student members who have been outstanding student volunteer in their Student Branch Chapter with demonstrated leadership skills.

The purpose of this award is to motivate student members and inspire them to take up leadership role by coordinating the student activities and representing student body at the Student Branch as well as at chapter level.

• The nominee should be an IEEE and PES student member registered under the Malaysia Section.
• The individual should have made substantial contribution to the student activities in their Student Branch and/or chapter.
• The individual should not have received the same award in the past three years.

Nomination Conditions
• Any IEEE member can nominate a potential candidate. Self-nomination is allowed.
• A short report from the nominated candidate is required, outlining his/her contributions to the Student Branch and Section (online form)

Basis of Selection
• Leadership abilities and support extended to other volunteers in the Section
• Length of service to the Student Branch and Section
• Furthering the work and promoting the objectives of the IEEE

Documents Required
• A short report from the nominated candidate outlining his/her contributions to the Student Branch and/or chapter.
• Supporting Letter from Student Branch Advisor OR Student Branch Counselor [Optional]

• Call for Nominations: 15th October 2019
• Submission Deadline: 30th Nov 2019
• Recipient Notified: 15th Dec 2019

Award Instrument
A plaque and certificate of recognition duly signed by the Chair of IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter will be issued to the student volunteer selected for the award.

The awards will be presented during the IEEE PES Malaysia Annual General Meeting.


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