I would like to welcome everyone to the IEEE Power & Energy Society Malaysia Chapter (IEEE PES Malaysia). IEEE PES Malaysia is part of the leading provider of the latest technological developments in the power and energy industry, the formation of key industry standards, and the continuing education of society members, industry, and the general public. IEEE PES Malaysia membership spans from the academic right to the industry, including student members from all over Malaysia. IEEE PES is a non-profit organization which gathers members who has Power and Energy related background. With the objective to create a platform for exchange of ideas, knowledge and experiences, IEEE PES Malaysia has managed to sustain its activity which would span from knowledge networking, industrial visits, distinguish lecture series, technical conferences and also social gatherings. If anyone would like to become a volunteer or share your experiences with our members, do not hesitate to communicate with me or any other executive committee members and we will try to facilitate as best as possible. For those who are new to IEEE PES, I hope this website will give you ideas on what we have been organizing in the past and maybe this would make you have interest to be part of the IEEE PES Malaysia family. See you in our upcoming programs. Thank you.


Nur Ashida Salim, SMIEEE
Chair 2022-2024
IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter




Last Updated: 12th September 2024

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