Description: The IEEE PES Outstanding Chapter Volunteer Award (OCVA) program allows each PES Chapter the opportunity to recognize a volunteer’s contribution to the local chapter. This award was initiated by Chapter Leadership and approved in 2015 by the PES Executive Board.

Eligibility: The recipient must be both an IEEE and PES member. Click HERE for details

The recipient will receive plaque from IEEE PES Hq and certificate from IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter.

List of recipients for Malaysia:


Zuhaina Zakaria
IEEE Membership No: 40335331
Universiti Teknologi MARA
“For her dedication, commitment and outstanding contribution to IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter


Fatimah Salim
IEEE Membership No: 92162492
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
“For years of dedicated volunteer services to IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter”


Zaipatimah Ali
IEEE Membership No: 80474500
Universiti Tenaga Nasional
“For years of dedicated volunteer services to IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter”


Michael Joseph
IEEE Membership No: 03572138
SS&A Power Consultancy GmbH
“For years of dedicated volunteer services to IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter”


Izham Zainal Abidin
IEEE Membership No: 80617173
Universiti Tenaga Nasional
“For years of dedicated volunteer services to IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter”


Mohamad Hadi Sohod
IEEE Membership No: 90363543
Tenaga Nasional Berhad
“For years of dedicated volunteer services to IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter”

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