
The IEEE PES Outstanding Engineer Award program is introduced by IEEE PES to recognize the outstanding contribution of local engineers to the power engineering profession.

This award was established in 1994 by the PES Executive Board to recognize outstanding technical, professional and society contributions on behalf of the power engineer profession.

The recipient will receive plaque from IEEE PES HQ and certificate from IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter.


List of IEEE PES Outstanding Engineer Award recipients for Malaysia:



Category 1: experience greater than 15 years

Prof. Ir. Dr. Izham Bin Zainal Abidin
Universiti Tenaga Nasional



Category 1: experience greater than 15 years

Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohd Zainal Bin Ab. Kadir
Universiti Putra Malaysia

Category 2: experience less than 15 years

Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Jasrul Jamani Bin Jamian
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia



Category 1: experience greater than 15 years

Dato’ Ir. Ts. Abdul Razib Dawood, CEO
Energy Commission of Malaysia

Category 2: experience less than 15 years

Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Norhafiz Azis, Phd, SMIEEE
Universiti Putra Malaysia


Category 1: experience greater than 15 years

Dr. Jasronita Jasni, Phd, SMIEEE
Universiti Putra Malaysia
IEEE membership number: 41422149

Category 2: experience less than 15 years

Dr. Teh Jiashen, Phd, SMIEEE
Universiti Sains Malaysia
IEEE membership number: 41422149


Category 1: experience greater than 15 years

Mohamed Fuad Faisal, Phd, SMIEEE
TNB Integrated Learning Solution
IEEE membership number: 90537060

Category 2: experience less than 15 years

Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Md Pauzi Abdullah, Phd, SMIEEE
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
IEEE membership number: 80002691


Prof. Ir. Dr. Zuhaina Zakaria, Phd, SMIEEE
Universiti Teknologi MARA
IEEE membership number: 40335331


Ir. Razali Budin
Tamco Swithgear (M) Sdn Bhd
IEEE membership number: 08260937
“For years of dedicated service as a volunteer to the PES Malaysia Chapter and recognition from industries as resource person and panel of expert”


Category 1: experience greater than 15 years

Robiah binti Ibrahim
IEEE Membership Number: 03487782  
“For research and development of the Collection Surface Method, a new highly effective lightning air terminal placement method which has been applied in the IEC62305-3 standard since 2006”


Category 2: experience less than 15 years

Prof. Ir. Dr. Zainal Abidin Ab Kadir
IEEE Membership Number: 80512360
Universiti Putra Malaysia
“Significant contribution in Lightning- and High Voltage-related fields with vast experience and knowledge shared at both National and International levels’

M. Zain Abdullah
Mex-Tech Engineering Sdn Bhd

Ir Yeoh Eng Chin
Sher Engineering Sdn Bhd

Ir. Dr. Zahrul Faizi Hussien
Malakoff Corporation Berhad

Michael Joseph

Dr. Sallehudin Yusof
Advanced Power Solution

Dr. Abdul Halim Abu Bakar
Tenaga Nasional Berhad

Prof. Dr. Khalid Mohamed Nor
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Ir. Dr. Lee Yee Cheong


Last Updated: 15 February 2025

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