2023 Call for Nomination IEEE PES Chapter (i) Outstanding Engineer Award (ii) Student Volunteer Award

1) Nomination for IEEE PES Chapter Outstanding Engineer Award 2023

IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Malaysia Chapter is looking for nominees for the Outstanding Engineers Award. This award was established in 1994 by the PES Executive Board to recognize outstanding technical, professional and society contributions on behalf of the power engineer profession. This award has two categories based on length of services: (i) Greater than 15 years and (ii) Less than 15 years.

The criteria are as follows:

  • Technical contributions to the power engineering profession.
  • Professional and leadership contributions to the power engineering profession.
  • Contributions to the local community relevant to the power engineering profession.
  • Contributions in the area of power engineering education.
  • Service to the PES and/or IEEE.
  • Nominees must be an active member of IEEE and PES.

You can nominate your colleague for the award.

Please fill in the nomination form at the following link: https://forms.gle/f2ayPktUCVhjRUL79


2) Nomination for IEEE PES Malaysia Outstanding Student Volunteer Award 2023

IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Malaysia Chapter is looking for nominees for the Outstanding Student Volunteer Award. This award was established in 2019 by the PES Malaysia Chapter to recognize outstanding student volunteers in technical and society contributions on behalf of the power engineering profession.

The criteria of evaluation are as follows:

  • Technical contributions to the power engineering education profession.
  • Professional and leadership contributions to the development of power engineering student membership.
  • Contributions to the local community relevant to the power engineering profession/education.
  • Contributions in the area of power engineering education.
  • Services to the PES Student Chapter and/or IEEE.
  • Nominees must be an active IEEE and PES student member.

You can nominate your fellow student member for the award.

Student Branch Counselors are highly encouraged to nominate deserving candidates for the award.

Please fill in the nomination form at the following link: https://forms.gle/ZrG1a4vD9s7SrH8v8

The deadline for both award nomination is on 02 October 2023.

Previous recipients can be found at the following link:  http://sites.ieee.org/malaysia-pes/award/outstanding-engineer-award/

Any queries with regard to the nomination can be directed by email to hazli@um.edu.my


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