IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) Malaysia Chapter has completed 37 activities for the year 2018. The activities include conferences, membership drives, technical talks, educational activities, social activities and technical visits. All activities were attended with a good number of participants. For 2018, PES Malaysia Chapter had the opportunity to organise two prestigious conferences; 10th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference 2018 (APPEEC 2018) and 7th IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon2018). Both conferences had attracted many international and industries participants as well as students and lecturers from universities and private consultant.


7th IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon2018)

2018 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon2018) was held at Berjaya Times Square Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 3-4 December 2018. This is the 7th edition of PECon, which is jointly-organized biennially by IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Malaysia Chapter and IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) Malaysia Chapter. Around 100 participants attended the conference.

10th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference 2018 (APPEEC)

The 10th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference 2018 (APPEEC) was held at Hilton, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, MALAYSIA on 7-10 October 2018. The aim of the conference is to provide a premier platform for electrical engineers and researchers to present their works and to share experiences and ideas in power and energy engineering with experts and scholars from around the world. Started in Wuhan in 2009, APPEEC is now an annual power engineering conference organized in Asia-Pacific Region. Around 200 participants attended the 4-days conference.

Industrial Visit to SGB MY Sdn Bhd

organised by IEEE Power and Energy Society Malaysia Chapter and UMPower and Energy Systems Research Group. It was held on Tuesday, August 14, 2018 at 10 AM – 1 PM. Around 30 participants joined the program.


Public Lecture on Resilient and Smart Power Grid for Reliable Sustainable Operation

The event is co-organised by Uniten and IEEE Power and Energy Society Malaysia Chapter. The lecture is given by Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohd Zainal Abidin Abd Kadir, who is one of IEEE PES DLP and the past chair of IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter. The event took place on 10th August 2018 at Uniten.

Technical Talk on Lightning Protection for Power System

Prof. Jinliang is the director of High-voltage and Insulation Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University. His research interest covers advanced power transmission technology and lightning protection technology, nanotechnology and MEMS based wide-frequency sensors network and big data mining, and, recycling HVDC cable and environment-friendly gas-insulated power transmission lines based on the theory and method of coordinated regulation for multi-properties of nano dielectric materials. His research achievements have been awarded a 2nd Prize of national award for technological invention, and 15 provincial awards of progress in science and technology. For his outstanding contributions to the lightning protection and grounding technologies for power transmission system, he was selected as an IEEE Fellow in 2007, the Technical Achievement Award by the IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society in 2010, and the Hoshino prize (6th session) by the institute of electrical installation engineers of Japan in 2013. Date:26th April 2018 (Thursday), Time: 9.30 am -12.00 pm. Venue: Dewan Taklimat, Fakulti Kejuruteraan, Universiti Putra Malaysia.


IEEE PES Malaysia celebrated IEEE PES day on 22-Apr-2018. Different IEEE PES Student Branch chapter organised various program celebrating World IEEE PES Day.


The 2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society Annual General Meeting was held on 27 January 2018 at Everly Hotel Putrajaya. Around 30 IEEE PES members attended the event.








2018 Events details

Membership Activities

No Date Venue Speaker No of attendees
1 15 Mar 18 Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UiTM, Shah Alam Nur Ashida Salim 15
2 12 Aug 18 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Johor Bahru Md Pauzi Abdullah 20
3 10 Aug 18 College of Computer Science and Information (CSIT), UNITEN Zuhaina Zakaria 80
4 8 Oct 18 Hilton Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Md Pauzi Abdullah 200
5 3 Dec 18 Berjaya Times Square, KL Md Pauzi Abdullah 150


Professional Continuing Eduction Activities


No. Date Title Presenter/ Venue Category / (Attendance)
1 27-Jan-18 2018 AGM IEEE PES Malaysia Putrajaya Administrative (30)
2 9-Feb-18 IEEE-PES Excom Meeting No 1/2018 UPM, Selangor Administrative (8)
3 30-Mar-18 IEEE-PES Excom Meeting No 2/2018 Grande Pulse Hotel Putrajaya Administrative (9)
4 31-Mar-18 2018 IEEE PES Strategic Planning Grande Pulse Hotel Putrajaya Administrative (10)
5 13-Jul-18 IEEE-PES Excom Meeting No 3/2018 College of Engineering, UNiTEN Administrative (10)
6 2-Nov-18 IEEE-PES Excom Meeting No 4/2018 Bilik Incubator, Research Institute Business Unit, UiTM Administrative (6)
7 26 Apr 18 – 1 May 18 Global Mobility Program: UPM-Southern Thailand V2 Songkla, Thailand Education
8 30-Jun-18 Sponsor and technical panel judge for 5th IEEE Final Year Project (FYP) Online Competition 2018 for track Power & Energy Malaysia Education (41)
9 15-Mar-18 Student Membership Workshop Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UiTM, Shah Alam Nontechnical (15)
10 31-Mar-18 2017 IEEE PES Malaysia Award Giving Ceremony Grande Pulse Hotel Putrajaya Nontechnical (16)
11 7-Apr-18 2018 IEEE Bowling tournament U-Bowls Dpulze, Cyberjaya Social
12 22-Apr-18 PES Day Malaysia Social (50)
13 25-Nov-18 Co-sponsoring IEEE PES Uniten Student Branch Bowling Tournament 2018 U-Bowls Dpulze, Cyberjaya Social (20)
14 30-Mar-18 Technical Talk: Why Flexibility is Important in the Future Smart Grid? Prof Janaka Ekanayake r and (College of Engineering, UNITEN) Technical (100)
15 6-Feb-18 Panel Judge and Sponsoring FYP Award for Uniten Final Year Project Award for track Power & Energy (Sem 2 1718 ) UNITEN, Selangor Technical (200)
16 20-Mar-18 IEEE Talk on Smart Grid: An Introduction Ir Dr Md Pauzi Abdullah (Tutorial 9, Level 5, Block P19a, FKE, UTM) Technical (40)
17 3-Apr-18 Industrial Visit to Malaysian Green Technology Corporation Malaysian Green Technology Corporation, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi Technical (20)
18 26-Apr-18 Technical Talk: Lightning Protection of Power System Prof Jinliang
(Dewan Taklimat, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, UPM)
Technical (40)
19 14-May-18 Sponsoring Award for Final Year Project Poster Presentation for track Power & Energy School of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UTM, Johor Technical (60)
20 15-May-18 Sponsoring Award for Final Year Project Poster Presentation for track Power & Energy Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Pekan, Pahang Technical (60)
21 16-May-18 Sponsor and technical panel judge for EE Final Year Project Poster competition or track Power & Energy Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Selangor Technical (60)
22 10-Aug-18 Public Lecture: Resilient and Smart Power Grid for Reliable Sustainable Operations by Prof Ir Dr Mohd Zainal Abidin Abd Kadir Uniten Technical (80)
23 14-Aug-18 Industrial Visit to Transformer Manufacturer SGB-SMIT Group, Factory SGB, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia Technical (24)
24 25-Sep-18 Panel Judge and Sponsoring FYP Award for Uniten Final Year Project Award for track Power & Energy (Sem 2 1718 ) UNITEN, Selangor Technical (150)
25 7-Oct-18 10th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference 2018 (APPEEC) Hilton Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Technical (200)
26 7-Oct-18 Lightning protection for a Large Scale Solar (LSS) PV Systems Prof Ir Dr Mohd Zainal Abd Kadir
(Hilton Hotel Kota Kinabalu, Sabah)
Technical (80)
27 7-Oct-18 Introduction to Machine Learning for Power Engineers by Patrick Glauner

(Hilton Hotel Kota Kinabalu, Sabah)

Technical (80)
28 8-Oct-18 Keynote talk on Embracing Challenges for Power Engineering Sustainability. Speaker: Saifur Rahman, PhD President, IEEE Power & Energy Society 2018-2019. KK Sabah Technical (100)
29 8-Oct-18 Industry Panel Session on Renewable Energy Integration, Challenges and Opportunities – Hilton Hotel Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Technical (100)
30 9-Oct-18 Plenary session on Protection and Safety on Power systems with Highly Renewable Distributed Energy Resources; Electricity Supply Industry in South East Asia ; Distributed Generation – Challenges and Opportunities and Tackling the 4D Energy Challenge through Storage and Flexibility Nirmal Nair, Associate Professor University of Auckland , Ir Dr Zahrul Faizi, Chief Executive Officer of Ranhill Power Division, Dato’ Ir. Dr. Ali Askar, Managing Director Sher Engineering & Consultancy, Phil Taylor, Professor of Energy Systems Newcastle University
(Hilton Hotel Kota Kinabalu, Sabah)
Technical (90)
31 16-Oct-18 IEEE Talk: Electricity Pricing and Tariff Tutorial 9, Level 5, Block P19a, FKE, UTM, Johor Bahru Technical (30)
32 3-Dec-18 7th IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon2018) Berjaya Times Square, Kuala Lumpur Technical (150)
33 3-Dec-18 Keynote talk on Malaysia Electricity Supply Outlook- Electricity demand/generation, new renewable energy policy and challenges Mr. Abdul Razib Bin Dawood, Chief Operating Officer, Energy Commission of Malaysia (Berjaya Times Square Hotel, Kuala Lumpur) Technical (90)
34 3-Dec-18 Keynote talk on The Role of Power Electronics in Providing a Sustainable Energy Supply Prof. Dr. Saad Mekhilef, Universiti Malaya. (Berjaya Times Square Hotel, Kuala Lumpur) Technical (90)
35 4-Dec-18 Keynote talk on Large Scale Solar (LSS) Plant Development Dr. Amir Hisham Hashim, Chief Executive Officer, UiTM Solar Power Sdn Bhd. (Berjaya Times Square Hotel, Kuala Lumpur) Technical (45)
36 4-Dec-18 Plenary Session: Challenges and Way Forward for Renewable Energy in Malaysia Pecon2018 (Berjaya Times Square Hotel, Kuala Lumpur) Technical (45)
37 19-Dec-18 Panel Judge and Sponsoring FYP Award for Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Kuliyyah of Engineering, IIUM International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) Technical (60)


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