IEEE PES 25th year anniversary (MAIN EVENT 2017)

The IEEE PES 25th year anniversary was held on 27th October 2017 in Bangi Golf Resort. This event was organized by IEEE-PES Malaysia Chapter. The main objective of this event is to appreciate all IEEE PES members around the country. The “High Tea Event” organized is a half day event where all the IEEE PES members were celebrated. More picture on the event can be view via our IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter Facebook page.


IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter Supported Industrial Visit to Generation Station Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz, Kapar, Selangor

UM Power & Energy System research group (UMPES) and IEEE Power & Energy Society Malaysia Chapter (IEEE PES) organized a technical visit to Electrical Power Generation Station Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz, Kapar, Selangor on 27th September 2017. The power plant is owned by Kapar Energy Ventures Sdn. Bhd. The visit was lead by Professor Ir. Dr. Hazlie Mokhlis, head of UMPES. With the support of UMPES and IEEE PES, participants have taken vigorous efforts and initiative which made this visit a grand success. In this visit, a total number of 14 participants were attended.

IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter Supported DLP Program at Pullman Bangsar

IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter organized a distinguished lecture program (DLP) on “Managing Uncertainties of Future Smart Grid” with the vision of “Keeping the Lights On: Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow” on 2nd August 2017 at Pullman Bangsar. The program received overwhelming response from government agencies, industries, academicians IEEE PES members with a total number of 60 participants. The breakdown number for of the participants are as follows; Tenaga Nasional (26), Sarawak Energy (5), Energy Commission (6) Universities (11), consultant (3) and PES Excom (9).

IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter Supported DLP Program at UNITEN

Dr. Jay Giri has presented the evolution of Energy Management System on 1st August 2017 at UNITEN. He discussed the challenge of EMS in this era, where power system network becomes very large, complex and operates close to maximum limit. This lecture program got positive respond with high number of participants. In total, there were 117 students (3rd and 4th year) from UNITEN, 4 lecturers from UNITEN, 1 lecturer from UM and 1 from TNB.

IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter Supported Final Year Project at UKM

UTP and IEEE Power & Energy Society Malaysia Chapter (IEEE PES) organized a technical visit to Power Plant Station Bersia, Gerik, Perak on 28th July 2017. The power plant is owned by TNB. The visit was lead by Associate Professor Dr. Zuhairi BaharudinThe participants have taken vigorous efforts and initiative which made this visit a grand success. In this visit, a total number of 20 participants attended the visit. The Department of Electrical, Electronics and System Engineering (JKEES) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) organizes its Final Year Project (FYP) Awards on 24 May 2017 (Wednesday). The event was attended by the student body, academic staff, internal and external judges, 9 IEEE Societies including from Power and Energy Society (PES), and members of the Faculty Board. After two hours of presenting and judging, the marks were tallied and award recipients announced.Mohd Faris Farhan Bin Ahmad Fuad (penyelia: Dr. Ramizi Mohamed) Tajuk: Vibration Based Energy Harvester

IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter Supported Industrial Talk on “Importance of Standards in Electrical Installation”

The talk entitled ‘Importance of Standards in Electrical Installations’ was conducted on 27th July 2017 at UCSI University in order to provide students with knowledge on the importance of electrical standards such as Malaysian Standard MS IEC 60364, which was adopted from IEC 60364. Students will also be introduced to different designing techniques to standardize electrical installations of fixed buildings to ensure acceptable level of consistency, quality and electrical safety. At the end of the talk, Ir. Lim had created greater awareness among the student participants on the importance of standards and regulations for safety. The talk began at 9.35am with around 25 students attending.

IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter Supported Senior Membership Workshop at Universiti Malaya

A senior membership program was conducted by IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter on 20th of May. It was held at University Malaya and attended by 15 participants.


IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter Supported Membership Outreach Programs with Faculty of Engineering, Prince of Songkla University, Hatyai, Thailand

IEEE PES Malaysia Student Chapter initiated collaborative visit to the Faculty of Engineering, Prince of Songkla University, Hatyai Thailand on the 5th May 2017. The program is in-conjunction with the UPM Student International Mobility Program under the Department of Process and Food Engineering. The discussion amongst the researchers focuses on the technical collaboration of some renewable-based projects i.e Rainwater harvesting, greenhouse monitoring and structures, and Solar  PV dryer system. The representative from IEEE PES SC promotes the development of IEEE Section and PES student Chapter with some of the benefits worldwide. Furthermore, UPM students are also invited and exposed to the Post-Graduate Progress Presentations held at the faculty main hall.

IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter Supported Student Outreach Programs with King George V High School

IEEE PES Malaysia Student Chapter initiate a student outreach programs with King George V High School on the 21st April 2017. Among the objectives of the programs are as follow: 1) Knowledge dissemination and sharing session between experts and school community. 2) Strengthen the relationship between IEEE PES Malaysia, CAPER, NGO and school community. 3) Enhance the visibility of IEEE organization in educational activities. 4) Present knowledge in science and engineering in a simple way, so that everyone can understand and appreciate it within everyday life.5) Demonstrate the practical applications of science and engineering in our lives.

IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter Supported Technical Talk on ” Policy of Electricity Generation and Renewable Energy in Malaysia”

IEEE-PES Malaysia Chapter and the Department of Electrical Power Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia has organized a Technical talk on Policy of Electricity Generation and Renewable Energy in Malaysia. It was held at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UTM on 5th April 2017. The talk was given by En Razib Dawood, Head of Electricity Market Operation Unit, Energy Commission of Malaysia. Around 50 academic staffs and postgraduate students attended the talk.

IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter Supported Final Year Project at UNITEN

The Final Year Project Awards Semester 2, Year 2016/2017 was held on 24 February 2017 at the newly crowned covered activity area at the Uniten College of Engineering known as the Link. There were a total of 111 nominees consisting of senior undergraduate students from the Electrical Electronics, Electrical Power, Computer and Communications, Mechanical and Civil Engineering Courses. Dato’ Prof Ir Dr Kamal Nasharuddin, Vice Chancellor of Uniten, launched the competition which was attended by the student body, academic staff, internal and external judges, IEEE representatives, mechanical engineering industrial advisory panel, secondary school students, and members of the University Management Board. There were a total of 39 judges; 21 internal judges from Uniten academic staff members, 10 external judges from industry and other prestigious universities, and 8 representatives from the IEEE to give their respective Special Awards including Power and Energy Society (PES). After two hours of presenting and judging, the marks were tallied and award recipients announced. Winners were chosen based on the criteria of innovation, technicality and marketability. Highlights among the winners are Janagaraajan A/l Thulukanun with his project titled “Design and Fabrication of a Cost-Effective Automated Metal Separation System”, and Chong Teik Boon with his multi-award winning project “Development of Sensor Based Transparent Object Handling using Robot Manipulator”. It was a successful event with graduating students showing off their hard work and at the same time making contacts with various industries through the judges and attendees. The award from IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter was given to Muhammad Amir Asraf Ramli supervised by Mrd Sabarina Jaafar on project of Solar Back Pack Grass Cutter.

IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter Supported Industrial Talk on “Energy Delivery System – Achieving Good Electrical Connections”

The talk entitled ‘Energy Delivery System – Achieving Good Electrical Connections’ was conducted on 22 March 2017 at UCSI University. Mr Albert Tan is the General Manager from Conway, who presented the talk on behalf of Mr Ng Choon Guan. In his talk, he described a good electrical connection is able to conduct current safely at low temperature, with energy saving, and can last for many years. There are three factors to determine a good connection: (1) right connector, (2) crimping tools and dies, (3) workmanship. There are two types of connectors: copper and aluminum. The copper is of ETP (Electrolytic Tough Pitch) grade with conductivity of 99%. The aluminum is of the type Electrical Grade Aluminum (AL1050/1350) with conductivity of 60% I.A.C.S. All the connectors must follow the Malaysia Standards. Example of Malaysia Standards are MS 1540:2015, MS 1779:2005, MS 1838:2005, MS 2584:2014, MS 2654:2015. A good connection should have a lower temperature in the lug than the wire temperature. This talk is compulsory for all Electrical Engineering students. They are required to fill in the Survey Form after the talk. The talk was attended by 59 students and 5 lecturers

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