2nd IEEE PES Student Congress (MAIN EVENT 2016)

The 2nd IEEE PES student congress was held on 15th August to 17th 2016 in RHR UNITEN. This event was organized by IEEE-PES Malaysia Chapter. The main objective of this event is to provide a platform IEEE PES student member from all around the world to meet, discuss and collaborate in different topics in electrical power engineering. More picture on the event can be view via our IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter Facebook page.



List of Activities 2016

  1. Annual General Meeting PES Malaysia, Putrajaya (Jan 19, 2016)
  2. PES Malaysia Sponsored FYP Award Competition at UNITEN (Feb 26, 2016)
  3. Senior Membership Workshop UTEM (Mar 18, 2016 )
  4. Raspberry Pi Introduction session, UTM KL (May 28, 2016 )
  5. Talk on Skill and Ethic required by the Power & Energy Industry, SHRDC Shah Alam (May 28, 2016)
  6. Final Year Project at UPM (Jun 28, 2016)
  7. Terasaki Electric Site Visit, TERASAKI Electric Factory Shah Alam (Jul 27, 2016)
  8. Technical Talk by Prof Zainal Abidin, RHR UNITEN, Putrajaya (Aug 15, 2016)
  9. Technical Talk by Frank Lambert, RHR UNITEN, Putrajaya (Aug 15, 2016)
  10. Professional development talk by Dr Matthew, RHR UNITEN, Putrajaya (Aug 15, 2016)
  11. Congress Gala Dinner at Saloma Bistro, Kuala Lumpur (Aug 15, 2016)
  12. Technical Talk by Dato’ Ali Askar, RHR UNITEN, Putrajaya (Aug 16, 2016)
  13. Professional development talk by Ir. Yau, RHR UNITEN, Putrajaya (Aug 16, 2016)
  14. Technical talk by Prof Dr Azah Mohamed, RHR UNITEN, Putrajaya (Aug 16, 2016)
  15. Technical talk by Prof Dr Azah Mohamed, RHR UNITEN, Putrajaya (Aug 16, 2016)
  16. Talk by Zuhaina Zakaria, RHR UNITEN, Putrajaya (Aug 16, 2016)
  17. Technical trip to TNB Research Centre (Aug 17, 2016)
  18. Distinguished Lecture Program on Power System SCADA and Smart Grids by Prof Mini Thomas, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UiTM (Sep 22, 2016)
  19. Co-sponsor in IET Annual Dinner, Kuala Lumpur (Sep 24, 2016)
  20. Science Fair and Final Project Exhibition at UPM (Sep 27, 2016)
  21. 3rd IEEE Final Year Project Online Competition 2016, APA University Kuala Lumpur (Oct 15, 2016)
  22. Transfer Renewable Energy & Electrical Safety (TREES), UPM (Oct 27, 2016)
  23. Technical Visit to EPE Switchgear (M) Sdn. Bhd (Nov 17, 2016)
  24. Route to Professional Engineer Workshop UTEM (Mar 18, 2016)
  25. PES membership drive, Melaka (Nov 28, 2016)
  26. 2016 IEEE 6th International Conference on Power and Energy (PECON 2016), Melaka (Nov 28, 2016)
  27. IEEE-PES Distinguished Lecture Program by Prof Rudnick, Melaka (Nov 30, 2016)
  28. Supporter for Final Year Project Open Day at UTHM (Dec 04, 2016)
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