
On Monday 12-Oct , IEEE Mutah student branch celebrated IEEE day 2014.

IEEE Day 2014 is the 5th time in history when engineers worldwide celebrate the anniversary of the first IEEE members gathering to share their technical ideas in 1884.

The celebration was divided into two parts :

Firstly, seminar presented by dean of graduate studies Dr.Ali Dmour titled ” what is mean to be IEEEian and join the blue planet!! ” ,Robotics show presented by Engineering Geniuses Company .

Secondly, workshop “How to make your first robot” presented by Eng Sufian Tarawneh.

We kept up the IEEE Day 2014 spirit by :

1. Plan the event.
2. Pin it on the map.
3. Print the T-shirts.
4. Take a photo and submit.
5. Get votes.
6. Win the prize!!

So we did it!! all six steps have been done and we won the best professional developments activity prize.

It was the first time Mutah student branch get involved with a worldwide event .

Thanks for all who helped in making IEEE day 2014 a day to remember, and always keep in mind “Big Ideas are usually simple ones”.

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