Dr Damir Novosel, Quanta Technology LLC, USA
Industry Trends and Innovations for the Grid of the Future
Abstract – Reliable and efficient electrical grid operation is critical to society. The electrical power and energy industry in the next decades is changing rapidly to meet the demands of the society and address challenges. New technology trends include development of more efficient, reliable, and cost-effective renewable generation and Distributed Energy Resources (DER), energy storage technologies, Electric Vehicles (EV), monitoring, protection, automation, and control devices, and communications that offer significant opportunities for realizing a sustainable energy future. We are at a crossroads in making business and technical decisions that will allow us to optimally and cost-effectively manage the grid. The presentation will address some of the challenges and opportunities facing modern grids and how industry trends and innovation will shape the future grid. Included topics are:
- Industry Trends and Transformation Drivers
- Opportunities and challenges with distributed energy resources, microgrids, electrical vehicles and the role of storage
- Technologies for the changing nature of the grid
- Grid modernization roadmap
- Education and workforce needs
- Key success factors to prepare for the grid of the future
It will also address how IEEE provides technical leadership by tapping volunteers to offer an unbiased and independent service to the industry, benefiting from synergies between private and public sectors (utilities, vendors, academia, national labs, regulatory organizations, and other industry participants).
Biography – Damir Novosel (M’92, SM’95, F’03) holds PhD and MSc, BSc degrees in electrical engineering from Mississippi State University (where he was a Fulbright scholar), the University of Zagreb, Croatia, and the University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Dr. Novosel was selected Mississippi State University Distinguished Engineering Fellow in 2015. Damir is president of Quanta Technology, a subsidiary of Quanta Services, a Fortune 500 company. Previously, he was vice president of ABB Automation Products and president of KEMA T&D US. Dr. Novosel is also an adjunct professors of Electrical Engineering at North Carolina State University. Damir is elected to National Academy of Engineers in 2014. He served as IEEE Power and Energy Society President (2016-2017) and Vice President of Technical Activities (2011-2012). He is also a member of the CIGRE US National Committee and received the CIGRE Attwood Associate award. Damir holds 17 US and international patents and published over 100 articles in Transactions, Journals and Proceedings, receiving IEEE PES 2011 and 2013 Prize Paper Awards.
Professor Nikos D. Hatziargyriou, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Microgrids for Energy Transition
Abstract – The main characteristics of Microgrids as building blocks of the future power systems will be introduced and their benefits and technical and commercial challenges will be presented. The various models for the integration of the distributed resources in the market will be presented and the economic impacts of Microgrids for prosumers, aggregators and the overall market will be assessed. Decentralized control of Distributed Generators and Flexible Loads in Microgrids will be presented and the key features of intelligent Multi Agent Systems (MAS) will be briefly described. Finally, an overview of Microgrid applications over the world will be provided and in particular, the Kythnos Microgrid comprising an isolated settlement of 12 houses powered solely by solar power on the Greek island of Kythnos will be presented. In this application intelligent load controllers with Embedded processors have been used to host the agents, in order to achieve a more efficient use of energy.
Biography – Professor Nikos D. Hatziargyriou is since April 2015 Chairman and CEO of the Hellenic Distribution Network Operator. Since 1984 he is a faculty member at the Power Division of the Electrical and Computer Engineering School of the National Technical University of Athens. He is Fellow Member of IEEE, past Chair of the Power System Dynamic Performance Committee, Honorary member of CIGRE and past Chair of CIGRE SC C6 “Distribution Systems and Distributed Generation”. He is chair of the EU Technology and Innovation Platform on Smart Networks for Energy Transition. He has participated in more than 60 projects performed for electric utilities and manufacturers in Europe, for both fundamental research and practical applications. He is author of the book “Microgrids: Architectures and Control” and of more than 200 journal publications and 500 conference proceedings papers. He is included in the 2016 and 2017 lists of the top 1% most cited researchers.
Professor Lina Bertling Tjernberg, KTH Sweden
On Power Grid Technologies for a sustainable energy system
Abstract – The electric power system is being modernized to enable a sustainable energy system. New developments include possibilities and challenges with generation, delivery and usage of electricity as an integrated part of the energy system. This involves new forms of usage of electricity, e.g. for transportation and demand response, and to the updating of existing electricity infrastructures. For electricity generation the trend is toward new large-scale developments, like offshore wind farms, as well as small-scale developments like rooftop solar energy. At the same time, digitalization of society is creating new opportunities for control and automation as well as new business models and energy related services. The overall trend for technology developments is new possibilities for measurement and control. An example is Phasor Measurements Units (PMUs), generally located in the transmission network, which provide measurements of voltage and current up to 30-120 times per second. Smart Meters placed with the end consumer, which enables integration of private small-scale electricity production from solar cells, or energy storage from electric vehicles and general distributed control of energy use, are others. Another trend is the development of diagnostic measurement techniques for assessing the insulation condition and prediction of lifetime of physical assets, and new methods for condition monitoring. These different trends have in common an overall development towards access to large volumes of data for handling and analysis, and another concept growing in interest are referred as Big Data, which provides new means for infrastructure asset management. This key note presentation gives an overview of the main challenges and possibilities resulting from these developments of power grid technologies. Examples will be given on recent projects and from own research work.
Biography – Dr. Lina Bertling Tjernberg is Professor in Power Grid Technology at KTH – the Royal Institute of Technology. Her research aims to develop models for electric power solutions for the future sustainable energy system. Areas of special expertise are in applied reliability theory and maintenance management. Dr. Bertling Tjernberg has previously been Professor at Chalmers University of Technology in Sustainable Power System and the Head of the Power System Group, and with the Swedish National Grid as Director of the Research and Development. Dr. Bertling Tjernberg is a Senior Member of IEEE, the Chair of the Swedish PE/PEL Chapter, and is a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE PES. She has served in the Governing Board of IEEE PES, as an Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid Technologies, and chaired the first IEEE ISGT Europe Conference. She is an expert for the EU commission within Energy, ICT and Security. She is appointed by the Swedish Government as a member of the advisory council of the Energy Markets Inspectorate, and is a member of the National Strategic Council for Wind Power, and of the Scientific Board of the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency. She has published over 100 papers and several book chapters.
Dr Alexander Apostolov, OMICRON electronics, USA
IEC 61850 – Cornerstone Technology for the Smart Grid
Abstract – The Smart Grid is characterized by increased use of digital information and controls technology to improve reliability, security, and efficiency of the electric grid, dynamic optimization of grid operations and resources, with full cyber-security and deployment and integration of distributed energy resources. These goals can only be achieved using advanced technologies and standardization. IEC 61850 is not only a communications protocol that can ensure the interoperability of multifunctional IEDs from different manufacturers, but it is also a foundation for a new engineering environment that can improve the reliability and security of the electric power grid, while at the same time improves the efficiency of the engineering, maintenance and testing of protection, automation and control systems in the substation or for wide area applications.
Biography – Dr. Alexander Apostolov received MS degree in Electrical Engineering, MS in Applied Mathematics and Ph.D. from the Technical University in Sofia, Bulgaria. He has 40+ years’ experience in power systems protection, automation, control and communications. He is presently Principal Engineer for OMICRON electronics in Los Angeles, CA. He is IEEE Fellow and Member of the Power Systems Relaying and Control Committee He is past Chairman of the Relay Communications Subcommittee, serves on many IEEE PES Working Groups and is Chairman of Working Groups C2 “Role of Protective Relaying in Smart Grid”. He is member of IEC TC57 working groups 10, 17, 18 and 19 and Convener of CIGRE WG B5.53 ”Test Strategy for Protection, Automation and Control (PAC) functions in a full digital substation based on IEC 61850 applications” and member of several other CIGRE B5 working groups. He is Distinguished Member of CIGRE. He holds four patents and has authored and presented more than 500 technical papers. He is IEEE Distinguished Lecturer and Adjunct Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town, South Africa. He is Editor-in-Chief of PAC World.
Dr Bruno Meyer, RTE (Réseau de Transport d’Electricité), France
Control Center Designs: New functions to face the new challenges for a Transmission System Operator
Abstract – Transmission System Operators (TSOs) are facing major challenges and are becoming key players in the transition of the industry that is enabling the growth of renewable intermittent energy sources. The energy market no longer guarantees long term revenue when decisions result in building more grid assets. Finally, customer behavioral changes, and new energy delivery use requirements appear for the system operator. RTE has developed and deployed innovative tools and methods to manage uncertainty with regard to injections/extractions due to variable generation, such as wind and solar. RTE has improved operations by using resources efficiently to operate the system securely closer to its limits. This article focuses mainly on two different categories of developments:
- Energy Management System (EMS) functionalities will be implemented in RTE control rooms by 2018. It takes advantage of the outcome of an RTE-led R&D project financed by the European Commission, called iTesla.
- A new concept of substation developed jointly with GE displays a pioneering “smart substation” concept that enhances the control of the overall system. It is already operational in one substation, and should be rolled out in more in the coming years.
Biography – Bruno Meyer, IEEE Fellow (2008), is currently member of the Board of Directors of IEEE, representing Power & Engineering society (Division VII Director). Meyer has been with the RTE group since 2009, where he has held various positions, including Business Development Manager and CEO of ARTERIA (2011-2016), the telecommunications subsidiary of RTE. From 1985 until 2008 he was with EDF. Amongst his positions there, he was responsible for the R&D on Transmission & Distribution (US$ 40M budget). He was director of several departments, covering subjects such as power systems dynamics, economics, design, and technology fields. He published over 40 scientific papers including a book on Power systems simulation. Meyer is a board member of the French Society of Electrical Engineers (SEE) and the French Cigre National Committee. He was awarded SEE’s Ampere Medal (2017) and Cigre’s Technical Committee Award (1999). He holds a Ph.D. from Edinburgh University, a M.Sc. from Sao Paulo University, and B.Sc. from Unicamp (Campinas University).
Dr Shay Bahramirad, Commonwealth Edison, USA
How about Distributed Energy Resources in the Grid of the Future?
Abstract – The penetration of DERs in the electric grid, especially solar PV, has been increasing rapidly. In the meanwhile, customers are expecting more, such as increased reliability, lowered carbon footprint, higher resilience and lower electricity bills. Therefore, there is a need to develop the capabilities for the grid to incorporate increased penetration of renewable energy resources and mitigate the potential impacts brought by the DERs. To that end, technologies like smart inverters and microgrids play critical roles in maximizing the value associated with these DERs without challenging the reliability of the grid. Also the existing standards related to DER interconnection needs to be further developed to improve the grid reliability and accommodate higher penetration of DERs. This presentation will discuss some of the ways that electric utilities are preparing for this new world.
Biography – Dr. Shay Bahramirad, IEEE Senior Member, the Director of Distribution System Planning, Smart Grid & Innovation, serves as a strategic business leader in Commonwealth Edison, the electric Utility in Illinois, working on the 21st century power grid transformation and the new energy economy. Her major responsibilities include leading Smart Grid organization across ComEd to develop the vision, business models, and investment strategy of the grid of the future initiatives such as emerging technologies, microgrids, and smart city deployments. She is also in charge of Distribution Planning and Generation Interconnections, each working to provide technical leadership and expertise that impact the long term safety, reliability, and affordability of the electric grid. She is an Adjunct Professor at the Illinois Institute of Technology, teaching Microgrids, Elements of Sustainable Energy, and Smart Grid and serves as an executive board member of IEEE/PES on New Initiatives and Outreach working with industry executives, policy makers and legislators globally on new energy economy. Dr. Bahramirad holds multiple advanced degrees, including a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology. She is an Editorial Board Member of Electricity Journal, and Editor in Chief of P1854 Smart Distribution Application Guide.
Dr Dejan R. Ostojic, The World Bank, USA
The World Bank Support for Smart Grid Projects in Europe and Central Asia
Abstract – The energy sector in Europe and Central Asia (ECA) is undergoing a rapid transformation driven by three main factors. First, the increasing concentration of energy demand in urban areas, as well as structural changes of energy demand, put the cities and consumers at the center of energy transformation. Second, reducing energy and carbon intensity of ECA economies is an increasingly pressing objective which requires policy and regulatory reforms to enable scaling-up energy efficiency and renewable energy. Third, the modernization of outdated energy infrastructure in ECA region presents a unique opportunity to leapfrog to the latest technological solutions including smart grids which are essential for achieving energy efficiency and renewable energy targets.
The World Bank energy program in ECA countries (all countries of Former Soviet Union (FSU), new EU countries and EU candidate countries in Eastern and Southeastern Europe) recognizes the above challenges and opportunities of energy transition, and provides customized support to address priorities in each country of operations. It also supports development of regional power grids and integration of electricity markets in Eastern Europe, Western Balkans, and Central Asia. This presentation will focus on key features of investment operations supporting development of smart grids, including requirements for the World Bank support, financial viability of smart grid projects, and examples of smart grid projects across the ECA region. Finally, the presentation will highlight the role of public and private sector in advancing the smart grid agenda in ECA.
Biography – Dr. Dejan Ostojic has diverse experience in energy and infrastructure development in Europe and Central Asia, China, South East Asia, Middle East, Latin America and USA. Currently, he oversees the World Bank energy program in Central and Eastern Europe, leads policy dialog and advisory support on energy sector reforms and development, including preparation and implementation of investment operations and project financing for public and private projects. Prior to joining the World Bank, Dr. Ostojic was Area Manger in Harza Engineering Company in Chicago, USA, visiting Fulbright Scholar at Purdue University, USA, and Assistant Professor at the University of Belgrade, Serbia. He has authored/co-authored more than 30 technical papers and three books in the field of energy and power systems. He is a recipient of the World Bank President’s Award for Excellence in 2017.
Professor Andrej Gubina, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Getting Hands-on Experience with Smart Grids in the EU Horizon 2020 research program
Abstract – The combined effect of the increasing integration of renewable energy sources in the distribution grid, the developments of the smart grid technologies as well as the integration of the liberalized markets in the last decade have accelerated the changes in the way power systems operate. The system operators, but also commercial actors re looking for new roles and new business models to cover the needs of the changing environment and to capture the opportunities available to them. In the EU flagship research program, Horizon 2020, top European companies, research organizations and NGOs join forces to cooperate in research and demonstration projects to learn together and develop cutting-edge innovation. The experience from several demonstration projects, together with the lessons learned is presented.
Biography – Andrej F. Gubina obtained his Ph.D. at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, in 2002 where he was appointed Associate Professor in 2011. In 2000, he was a Fulbright Visiting Researcher of the Energy Laboratory, at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Between 2002 and 2005, he headed the Risk Management Department at Holding Slovenske elektrarne d.o.o., Ljubljana. Since March 2007, he is a Senior Researcher and Head of the Laboratory for Energy Policy at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. In August 2008, he became a Research Lecturer at the Electricity Research Centre of University College Dublin, in Ireland. He has coordinated a FP6 project VBPC-RES and participated as the Principal Investigator in ten others (FP6, FP7, IEE and H2020). His field of research encompasses Power System Economics and Deregulation, Production Planning under Open Electricity Market Conditions, Risk Management and Asset Management in EPS, Load Forecasting, Demand Side Management, Energy Efficiency of Demand and Renewable Energy Sources integration. He is a guest lecturer on RES integration and policy design in Europe, and holder of technology patents. He is a Senior Member of IEEE PES and Member of CIGRE Paris, and the convener of the EU H2020 BRIDGE Business Model Working Group.
Professor Mladen Kezunovic, Texas A&M University, USA
Big Data: What, why, when and how?
Abstract – The issue of Big Data was introduced relatively recently (last 15 years) as the huge amounts of data became available through the space exploration, weather forecasting and medical biogenetic investigations. Social media and outlets such as Google, YuTube, Facebook and others have also faced similar problems of handling huge data sets. The power systems are now experiencing huge amount of data obtained through field measurements as well. This talk focuses on the role of Big Data in managing and controlling future power system, which will be characterized with “explosion” of data and unprecedented computational and communication capabilities to automatically extract the knowledge.
The focus is on different data sources that range from field measurements obtained through substation/feeder intelligent electronic devices such as Digital Protective Relays (DPRs), Digital Fault Recorders (DFRs), Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs), to other data sets obtained from specialized commercial and/or government/state databases: weather data of different types, lightning detection data, seismic data, fire detection data, electricity market data, etc. Due to the massive amount of such data (petabytes) available in real time and through historical records, processing and management of such data requires revisiting data analytics used to correlate data and extract features already developed in the Big Data industries such as banking, insurance and health care. This talk will point out the Big Data characteristics in the power industry where the temporal and spatial properties, as well as correlation to the power system and component models are necessary for an efficient data uses.
Biography – Dr. Mladen Kezunovic is the Regents Professor and Eugene E. Webb endowed Professor at Texas A&M University, USA where he is employed since 1986. He serves in several leading roles at the university: Director, Smart Grid Center; Site Director, Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSerc), and Director, Power Systems Control and Protection Lab. He is also the Principal Consultant, as well as President and CEO of XpertPowerTM Associates, which has been providing consulting services for utility industry for over 25 years. He worked for Westinghouse Electric in the U.S.A. as a Systems Engineer on developing the first all-digital substation design during 1979-1980 and for Energoinvest Company in Europe as the Technical Lead for substation automation development during 1980-86. He was a consultant for EdF’s Research Centre in Clamart, France in 1999-2000 and was a Visiting Professor at the University of Hong Kong in fall of 2009. He was an Eminent Scholar at the Texas A&M University-Qatar in 2015/2016 and Special Visiting Researcher in Brazil in 2015-2017. He also acted as a consultant to over 50 utilities and vendors worldwide, and served three terms (2009-2013) as a Director on the Board of Directors of the Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP) representing research organizations and universities. He was recently appointed by the US Secretary of Energy to serve on the Electricity Advisory Committee for the Department of Energy.
Dr. Kezunovic was a Principal Investigator on over 120 R&D projects, published more than 550 papers and gave over 100 invited lectures, short courses and seminars around the world. He is an IEEE Life Fellow and Distinguished Speaker, CIGRE Fellow and Honorary Member, and Registered Professional Engineer in Texas. He is the recipient of the Inaugural 2011 IEEE Educational Activities Board Standards Education Award “for educating students and engineers about the importance and benefits of interoperability standards” and CIGRE Technical Committee Award for “remarkable technical contribution to the study committee B5, protection and automation” in 2013.