Teleconferences | October 20, 2015

You are welcomed to email Mike ( or Jim ( to obtain a single, unique link and/or call in GoToMeeting number for all teleconferences

EUROPE: 15:00 – 15:30 Central European Time

Note that the afternoon International Teleconference takes place at 9:00 – 9:30 AM EDT in the in the Americas.  Anyone is  welcome to join the call at this link:

Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) – a headset is recommended.  Or, call in using your telephone.

United States (toll-free): 1 877 309 2073

Canada (toll-free): 1 888 455 1389

Germany (toll-free): 0 800 184 4222

Hungary (toll-free): (06) 80 986 255

Ireland (toll-free): 1 800 946 538

Italy (toll-free): 800 793887

Netherlands (toll-free): 0 800 020 0182

Portugal (toll-free): 800 784 461

United Kingdom (toll-free): 0 808 168 0229

Access Code: 538-349-125

Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Meeting ID: 538-349-125


0. Overview of all issues:

1. Follow up from the previous teleconference:  (See videorecording of last week’s meeting)

2. Comment on the First Public Review draft of the 2017 NEC.

3. Review of technica agenda – ICPS May 2016 Conference in Detroit-Windsor

4. Proposed E&H (only) Conference at the University of Rome November 2016

– DOE Proposals for expanded LED lighting.

– 3001.9 standard for campus outdoor lighting

– ASHRAE 201P and ASHRAE 214 comments on facility smart grid concepts

5. Open.

6. Next teleconferences: October 6th.   Any interim focus meetings?

7. We are transitioning to a KAVI platform for document sharing.  Ask Mike a login and password.


 AMERICAS: 3:00 – 3:30 PM Eastern Daylight Savings Time

Note that the afternoon North & South American Teleconference takes place 21:00 – 21:30 CET in Europe.  Anyone is welcome to join the call at this link:

Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) – a headset is recommended.  Or, call in using your telephone.

United States (toll-free): 1 877 309 2070

Argentina (toll-free): 0 800 444 2385

Brazil (toll-free): 0 800 047 4909

Canada (toll-free): 1 877 777 3281

Chile (toll-free): 800 395 146

Germany (toll-free): 0 800 723 5274

Ireland (toll-free): 1 800 818 263

Italy (toll-free): 800 792289

Access Code: 476-736-021

Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Meeting ID: 476-736-021


  1. Mostly the same as the US agenda for the moment
  2. We are transitioning to a KAVI platform for document sharing.  Ask Mike a login and password.
  3. Proposed E&H (only) Conference at the University of Rome November 2016