Teleconference Call in Numbers

If your computer does not have both a microphone and a speaker then your audio may be provided from your telephone with the numbers shown below:


EUROPEAN SESSION | 15:00 – 15:30 Central European Time

  1. Please join my meeting.

Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) – a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone.

United States: +1 (571) 317-3129

Australia: +61 2 8355 1040

Austria: +43 7 2088 0034

Belgium: +32 (0) 28 93 7018

Canada: +1 (647) 497-9391

Denmark: +45 69 91 88 64

Finland: +358 (0) 942 41 5778

France: +33 (0) 182 880 456

Germany: +49 (0) 692 5736 7210

Ireland: +353 (0) 14 845 976

Italy: +39 0 247 92 12 39

Netherlands: +31 (0) 208 080 379

New Zealand: +64 4 974 7215

Norway: +47 21 03 58 96

Spain: +34 911 82 9782

Sweden: +46 (0) 313 613 558

Switzerland: +41 (0) 225 3314 51

United Kingdom: +44 (0) 330 221 0086

Access Code: 695-500-341

Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Meeting ID: 695-500-341


Online Meetings Made Easy®

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AMERICAN SESSION | 3:00 – 3:30 PM Eastern Time

  1. Please join my meeting.

  1. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) – a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone.

United States: +1 (646) 749-3129

Australia: +61 2 8355 1040

Austria: +43 7 2088 0034

Belgium: +32 (0) 28 93 7018

Canada: +1 (647) 497-9353

Denmark: +45 69 91 88 64

Finland: +358 (0) 923 17 0568

France: +33 (0) 170 950 592

Germany: +49 (0) 692 5736 7210

Ireland: +353 (0) 15 360 728

Italy: +39 0 247 92 13 01

Netherlands: +31 (0) 208 080 379

New Zealand: +64 9 909 7888

Norway: +47 75 80 32 07

Spain: +34 955 32 0845

Sweden: +46 (0) 853 527 836

Switzerland: +41 (0) 435 0167 13

United Kingdom: +44 (0) 330 221 0086

Access Code: 138-320-757

Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Meeting ID: 138-320-757


Online Meetings Made Easy®

Not at your computer? Click the link to join this meeting from your iPhone®, iPad®, Android® or Windows Phone® device via the GoToMeeting app.