Henry Ford/Thomas Edison Hydroplant Tour | April 26, 2019
In the home Henry and Clara Ford built near the center of automobile manufacturing center in the 1920’s was a hydropower plant that derived its energy from the water flow on the Rouge River. Arguably, it was the first residential microgrid. A photo of the turbine room and the electrical control panels is shown below:
The Ford family sold the Fairlane mansion to the University of Michigan in the late 1950’s. Fast forward to the early 1990’s when restoring the power generating capacity became an attractive alternative in a newly deregulated electricity market. The University of Michigan Dearborn campus facility leaders joined with the Utilities Department at the Ann Arbor campus to retain local expert local contractors — Utilities Instrumentation Services (Ypsilanti) — to restore the power generating capability of the hydro-generator.
About five years ago, the University of Michigan accepted the offer by the Ford family to reclaim Fairlane and the hydroplant. Now, the entire mansion is undergoing a major renovation. The hydroplant — which was shut down when the economic incentives disappeared — is also being restored to resume power generation.
The Fairlane staff now welcomes engineering students from the entire southeastern Michigan region to tour the plant and learn its history and operational specifics. You will see the original controls installed and used by Thomas Edison and Henry Ford. Students will be able to see the electromechanical specifics of the turbines and generator.
Michael A. Anthony, P.E, the University of Michigan’s first full time high voltage engineer, and the first full-time high voltage engineer for any research university in the United States (1982-2002), was involved in the original 1990 restoration work. Mike has arranged for UM IEEE engineering students to visit the plant on April 26th from 9 AM to 10 AM Eastern time. Mel Chi, the IEEE Southeastern Michigan Student Mentor will arrange other necessary specifics.
The Fairlane Estate has been preserved as a National Historic Landmark. Students, faculty and other interested parties are welcome to join our tour of the plant on April 26th. IEEE Southeastern Michigan members may contact Mike or Mel for more specifics. Mike Anthony (maanthon@umich.edu). Our tour starts at 9 AM and will be led by David Miller (dmiller@fordhouse.org) who has also invited electrical engineers from the Smith Group who are working on a related estate restoration project.
LEARN MORE: (this page will likely improve in detail in the coming days)
Dam in Rouge River behind Fair Lane Estate Powerhouse, circa 1940
Henry Ford’s hydroelectric dream on the Hudson
HFE Power House – Kent State University HABS Drawing (Shows elevations and cross sections of the generator control and turbine room below)