U S National Committee of IEC Seeks ANSI Technical Advisory Group Administrator

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International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) New Systems Committee (SyC) on Electrotechnical Aspects of Smart Cities IEC has approved the proposal for a new Systems Committee (SyC) on Electrotechnical aspects of Smart Cities Draft Scope: To foster the development of standards in the field of electrotechnology to help with the integration interoperability and effectiveness of city systems. This will be done: − by promoting the collaboration and systems thinking between IEC/TCs, the SyC and other SDOs in relation to city system standards; − by undertaking systems analysis to understand the needs for standards and assess new work item proposals (NWIPs) related to city systems; − by developing systems standards where needed and by providing recommendations to existing SyCs, TCs/SCs and other SDOs. Overall common city goals include, for example, sustainable development, efficiency, resilience, safety and support for citizen’s engagement and participation. However, an individual city will follow its own approach. “Cities” refers to any geographically located population. The U S National Committee indicated that it agrees with the scope proposed for this new IEC SyC and that it wishes to register as a Participating Member and intends to actively participate. However, if the USNC is to become a P Member, a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) will have to be established and a TAG Administrator will have to be assigned. If any entities are interested in the position of TAG Administrator, they are invited to contact Tony Zertuche, USNC General Secretary at tzertuche@ansi.org.




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