ASHRAE 90.1 Comment on Addendum bg Accepted


This is one of several comments that were processed at the ASHRAE Winter Conference last week.   The committee will modify 90.1 so that it does not require dimming controls in storage rooms and conference rooms.

15-264 ASHRAE IES Standard 90.1-Energy Standard for Buildings Addendum bg on dimming controls for storage rooms – COMMENT ACCEPTED

As with all “code wins” it is not easy estimating avoided cost — i.e. the value of something not happening; in this case, designers being forced to install dimming controls in storage and conference rooms.  Given the number of storage rooms and conference room in schools, colleges, universities, and academic medical centers, that is likely avoided cost of about $1000 per storage and/or conference room.

It is important remember, however, that what has been called “market-making” by building lighting control manufacturers — in this rebuttal to a proposed requirement for more product — is a normal part of the US standards development process.   In the near-future incumbent interests will be marking up energy conservation documents again in order to use legislative processes — especially the politically sensitive area of energy conservation — to sell their products and services.   We have to be “at the table” when these regulations are being proposed.

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