Future Mobility and Robotics applications seminar 2023 – The Future of Robotics in Finland Seminar started


The traditional chapter yearly seminar will be organized in Dipoli / Palaver, Aalto University, Espoo, on Friday 17.11.2023, 1PM – 5PM. To address the trends in smart mobility and robotics, AI , the theme this year is ‘Smart mobility and robotics applications‘. The half-day seminar will have keynote presentations and talks from companies and researchers, as well as a panel discussion. The event serves to bring the Finnish community of researchers, professionals and students around mobility, robotics and its related fields, together, and typically attracts around 100 participants.

The Registration is free, but mandatory and can be done on the link HERE

Tentative program of the seminar is as follows:
Place: Aalto University Espoo, Otaniemi, building Dipoli, meeting room Palaver

12:00 – 13:00 – Joint lunch with Chapter officers, members and guests (Fazer restaurant Dipoli)

13:00 – 13:10 – Dr. Yancho Todorov, VTT, Opening of the seminar

13:10 – 13:50 – Risto Ojala, Kari Tammi, Aalto University, Perception solutions for enabling automated driving in winter conditions.

13:50 – 14.30 – Yancho Todorov, VTT, Digital piloting for city logistics: An approach to accelerate the green transition

14:30 – 15:00 – Coffee break

15:00 – 15:40 – Markku Suomalainen, VTT, Intelligent Robotics in Manufacturing

15:40 – 16:20 – Dominic Bauman, Aalto University, Wireless control of cyber-physical systems

16:20 – Panel discussion and closing words, Pasi Hurri, BaseN

IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of Control System Society, Robotics and Automation Society and System, Man and Cybernetics Society (http://sites.ieee.org/finland-csrasmc/)
Officers: Dr Yancho Todorov, Prof. Tomasz Kucner, Dr. Houari Bettahar, Prof. Simo Särkkä, Pasi Hurri, Prof. Heikki Ailisto
Contact: Dr. Yancho Todorov, chair of the IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of CSS, RAS and SMCS; Email: yancho.todorov@vtt.fi

Best Paper Award of IEEE CSS/RAS/SMCS joint chapter


The IEEE Finland Joint Chapter CSS/RAS/SMCS established a Best Paper Award competition to recognize distinguished contributions made by its members. These contributions serve as exemplars for fellow members to aspire towards.


Any IEEE member of good standing and of Graduate Student Member grade or above and associated with the Jt. Chapter (membership will be determined using https://tblanalytics.ieee.org/) and who is a (co-)author of a journal or conference publication within the journals and conferences listed in the following sites:

The publication date must be between 01.01.2022 and 31.12.2022.


  1. The primary applicant for each paper entry in the competition has to be a member of the chapter, by the date of the application.  
  2. An applicant can’t utilize a co-author’s chapter affiliation to apply.
  3. Each application needs to be accompanied by the applicant’s IEEE number.
  4. The award is personal, and it aims to acknowledge the contribution of the applicant in a certain field within the chapter’s main societies.
  5. In case of papers with overlapping names of co-authors, recognition is given only to the primary applicant.
  6. Members of Jt. Chapter Board are NOT eligible for the award.


The Best Paper Award consists of three prizes, each prize is including a certificate. Additionally, the awardees will receive monetary rewards as follows:

  • First Prize: EUR 400.00
  • Second Prize: EUR 200.00
  • Third Prize: EUR 100.00


The Jt. Chapter Board will verify the eligibility of nominees and seek expert evaluation before it announces the final decision.


The decision on the awards will be solely based on scientific excellence, originality, utility, timeliness, and impact. Nominations are screened and reduced to a short list by the Jt. Chapter Board after the reviews provided by invited experts in relevant fields. Short-listed nominations are then evaluated by the Jt. Chapter Board which will make the final decision. Depending on the quality of the nominations, there might be fewer than three prizes awarded.


Call for Nominations: 1.9. – 1.12.2023.

Review and Evaluation of Nominations: 2.12.2022 – 31.12.2022.

Announcement of Awardees: December 2023.


To consider your paper for the competition, please send a copy of it to the IEEE Finland Joint Chapter CSS/RAS/SMCS chair:

Dr. Yancho Todorov, yancho.todorov@ieee.org


The award will be presented by the Jt. Chapter Chair or his designee at an appropriate Jt. Chapter meeting. The award shall be presented in the name of the Jt. Chapter.


The award recipient shall be publicized in the (name) website of the  Jt. Chapter. A press release shall be sent to the appropriate newspaper(s) of the recipient’s choice

AI in robotics and smart materials – Future of Robotics in Finland Seminar 2022


The Future of Robotics in Finland Seminar started in 2013 will be organized in Dipoli / Takka, Aalto University, Espoo, this year on Thursday 1.12.2022, 1PM – 4PM. To address the trends in smart materials and AI related to robotics, the theme this year is ‘AI in robotics and smart materials‘. The half-day seminar will have keynote presentations and talks from companies and researchers, as well as a panel discussion. The event serves to bring the Finnish community of researchers, professionals and students around robotics and its related fields, together, and typically attracts around 100 participants.

Registration is free, but mandatory and can be done here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_zs7uQSIwSQupiOrY3ZMytQ

Tentative program of the seminar is as follows:
Place, Dipoli / Takka, Aalto University, Espoo

12:45 – 13:00 – Welcome coffee

13:00 – 13:10 – Pasi Hurri, BaseN, Opening of the seminar

13:10 – 13:30 – Alex Jung, Aalto University, Networked Federated Learning

13:30 – 13:50 – Anssi Laukkanen, VTT, ProperTune, AI for materials engineering and materials accelerator platforms

13:50 – 14:10 – Joni Pajarinen, Aalto University, Planning and reinforcement learning in robotics

14:10 – 14:30 – Coffee break

14:30 – 14:50 – Tomasz Kucner, Aalto University, Legible navigation in human-centred environments with spatial models of human dynamics

14:50 – 15:10 – Rituraj Kaushik, Silo.AI, Autogeneration of visual programs for industrial robots

15:10 – 15:30 – Heikki Ailisto, VTT, AI in manufacturing industry – when can we expect wide deployment

15:30 – Panel discussion and closing words, Pasi Hurri, BaseN

IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of Control System Society, Robotics and Automation Society and System, Man and Cybernetics Society (http://sites.ieee.org/finland-csrasmc/)
Officers: Pasi Hurri, Prof. Roel Pieters, D.Sc.(tech) Yancho Todorov, Prof. Simo Särkkä
Contact: Pasi Hurri, chair of the IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of CSS, RAS and SMCS;
Email: twi@basen.net

Smart Mobility & Robotics Innovations – Future of Robotics in Finland Seminar 2021


The Future of Robotics in Finland Seminar started in 2013 will be organized in Dipoli Lumituuli (Espoo) this year on Thursday 21.10.2021. To address the trends in Ethics and AI related to robotics, the theme this year is ‘Smart Mobility & Robotics Innovations‘. The half-day seminar will have keynote presentations and talks from companies and researchers, as well as a panel discussion. The event serves to bring the Finnish community of researchers, professionals and students around robotics and its related fields, together, and typically attracts around 100 participants.

Attendance is free of charge for registered attendees and will be hybrid: both F2F and with remote link is possible.

Thursday 21th of October, 2021, 13:00-16:30 (EET), Otaniemi, Dipoli, Lumituuli Hall

Registration for attending  the seminar is mandatory and can now be done here:


The program of the seminar is as follows:

13:00 PM – 16:30 PM EET

13:15 – 13:15 – Pasi Hurri, BaseN / IEEE CSS/RAS/SMCS joint chapter Chair

13:15 – 14:45 – Smart Mobility

Plenary 1 – Bringing sailing back to shipping, Ville Paakkari, Norsepower (30 + 10 min)

Topic 1 – Controlling & managing systems for unmanned aviation – Petri Mononen, VTT (20 + 5 min)

Topic 2 – Data-driven models of electric powertrains – Janne Keränen, VTT (20 + 5 min)

14:45 – 15:15 – Coffee Break

15:15 – 16:15 – Smart Robotics

Topic 1 – LuxTurrim5G Project – Juha Salmelin, Nokia (30 + 10 min)

Panel discussion – Smart Mobility and Robotics applications in the future (25 min)

16:15 – 16:30 – Closing Pasi Hurri BaseN / IEEE CSS/RAS/SMCS joint chapter Chair

IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of Control System Society, Robotics and Automation Society and System, Man and Cybernetics Society
Officers: Pasi Hurri, Prof. Roel Pieters, Dr. Yancho Todorov, Prof. Simo Särkkä
Contact: Pasi Hurri, chair of the IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of CSS, RAS and SMCS;
Email: twi@basen.net
Local organizer: Sonja Pöyry; Email: sonja@basen.net

AI and Robotics in Health and Medical Technology – Future of Robotics in Finland Seminar 2017

The Future of Robotics in Finland Seminar started in 2013 will be organized again this year on Friday 24.11.2017. To address the trends in health and medical technologies, the theme this year is AI and Robotics in Health and Medical Technology. We will have a seminar with keynote presentations, posters, and demonstrations from companies and researchers, as well as pitch talks, which were highly attractive last year.

Call for posters, pitch talks, and demos!
We are accepting submissions for posters, pitch talks, and demos – we have a limited number of slots which are filling up quickly!
Please submit your poster/demo/pitch proposal via

Date and time: Friday 24.11.2017 9:00-14:00

Place: Aalto University, lecture hall F239a (Auditorium of HTH Building at Otakaari 3).
A map can be found here (building no. 3).

9:00 Opening of the seminar, prof. Simo Särkkä

9:15 IEEE distinguished lecturer, Prof. Xiaolan Xie, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines, Saint-Etienne, France and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P.R. China. Topic: “Healthcare systems engineering”

10:00 Coffee break / poster session and industrial demo

10:30 Keynote, Dr. Hanna Viertiö-Oja, GE Healthcare. Topic: “AI for effective interventions and optimal patient flow”

11:00 Keynote, Dr. Kalle Karhu, Planmeca. Topic: “Introducing AI into X-ray imaging at Planmeca”

11:30 Self-financed lunch / poster session and industrial demos

12:30 Keynote, Prof. Lauri Parkkonen, Aalto University. Topic: “Brain–computer interfaces: why and how”

13:00 Pitch talks

13:15 Panel discussion (moderator: Pasi Hurri, BaseN)

14:00 Closing

The attendance is free of charge for registered attendees, including coffee. To help us organize the seminar, please register following the link below.

Registration deadline is Monday 20.11.2017:



IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of Control System Society, Robotics and Automation Society and System, Man and Cybernetics Society (http://site.ieee.org/finland-csrasmc/)

Officers: Prof. Simo Särkkä, Pasi Hurri, Dr. Peter Jakubik, Prof. Roel Pieters

Contact: Prof. Simo Särkkä, chair of the IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of CSS, RAS and SMCS;
Email: simo.sarkka@aalto.fi

Big Data in Robotics and Automation – Future of Robotics in Finland Seminar 2016

The Future of Robotics in Finland Seminar started in 2013 will be organized again this year on Friday 25.11.2016. To address the mega trends of big data, the theme this year is Big data in robotics and automation. We will have a seminar with keynote presentations, posters and demonstrations from companies and researchers, as well as pitch talks, which were highly attractive last year. The program of the seminar is as follows:

Date and time: Friday 25.11.2016 9:00-14:00

Place: Aalto University, TUAS building (Maarintie 8), lecture hall TU-2

9:00   Opening of the seminar

9:15   IEEE distinguished lecturer, Prof. Michael Beetz, University of Bremen, Germany, openEASE — a digitalinnovation platform for intelligent service robotics

10:00 Coffee break / poster session and industrial demo

10:30 Dr. Johan Pensar, Valmet Automation, Big Data in Valmet Automation

11:00 Dr. Emil Ackerman, Quva Oy, Big Data Analytics in Heavy Industry

11:30 Light lunch / poster session and industrial demo

12:15 Dr. Heikki Huttunen, Tampere University of Technology, The Revolution of Machine Learning: Consequences for Robotics

12:45 Pitch talks

13:15 Panel discussion (moderated)

14:00 Closing

The attendance is free of charge for registered attendees, including coffee and light lunch. To help us organize the seminar, please register following the link below.

Please also forward this message to anyone you think may be interested. The detailed program will be updated later at: http://site.ieee.org/finland-csrasmc/news-and-events/.


IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of Control System Society, Robotics and Automation Society and System, Man and Cybernetics Society; Officers: Prof. Quan Zhou, Prof. Ville Kyrki, Dr. Juha Orivuori, and Dr. Peter Jakubik

Contact: Prof. Quan Zhou, chair of the IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of CSS, RAS and SMCS;

Registration open for Excursion to ABB marine laboratory

IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of CSS, RAS and SMCS is organizing an Excursion to ABB marine laboratory (see also video introduction). The time of the excursion is Tuesday 06.09.2016 14:00-16:00, the location is Vuosaari harbor, Merenkulkijankatu 1, Helsinki.  The number of attendees is limited to 30. The attendance is free, but members of IEEE CSS/RAS/SMCS has priority. The attendees are expected to cover the travel expenses, however. Please registration before Wednesday 31.08.2016 following the link below:



After the registration deadline, we will inform you the possible travel arrangement.

Robotics and digitalization enabling smart manufacturing seminar (final program updated 24.11.2015)

Hyvät kollegat,
Dear colleagues,

2013 alkanut Robotiikan tulevaisuudennäkymät Suomessa -seminaarisarja saa jälleen jatkoa, tällä kertaa keskiviikkona 25.11.2015. Tänä vuonna teemana on Robotiikka ja digitalisaatio älykkään valmistuksen mahdollistajana. Seminaari koostuu esityksistä, postereista ja demoista ja esiintyjiä on tuttuun tapaan sekä yrityksistä että tutkimustahoista. Tällä kertaa on mahdollisuus lisäksi tutustua Aalto-yliopiston tutkimukseen labrakierroksella. Tarjoamme myös halukkaille mahdollisuuden pitää lyhyen pikapuheen (pitch) sekä esitellä omaa työtään posterin tai demon avulla.

The Future of Robotics in Finland Seminar started in 2013 and it will be organized again this year on Wednesday 25.11.2015. The theme this year is Robotics and digitalization enabling smart manufacturing. The seminar will consists of presentations, posters and demonstrations from both industry and academia. Additionally, this year we will have open doors lab tour to related research labs at Aalto University. We will also offer the opportunity to give short pitch talks to showcase your work in addition to posters and demonstrations.

Ohjelma – Program

Aika: ke 25.11.2015 klo 8:30-16:30
Date and time: Wednesday 25.11.2015 8:30-16:30

Paikka: Aalto-yliopiston Otaniemen kampus, Otakaari 5A, sali S4.
Place: Aalto University, lecture hall S4 (Otakaari 5A).

8:30-9:00      Kahvit / Coffee

9:00-9:05      Opening words, prof. Quan Zhou

9:05-9:25      Programming of future automation systems: Industrie 4.0 and beyond, prof. Valeriy Vyatkin, Aalto University

9:25-9:45     Flexible factory automation  – today and tomorrow, Harri Nieminen, Fastems Oy

9:45-10:05    Sensors, models and human-robot collaboration – towards intelligent robot automation, Dr. Tapio Heikkilä, VTT

10:05-10:25   Industrial robotics today and near future trends, Jari Hyytiäinen, ABB Oy

10:25-10:40  Break

10:40-11:00   Roadmapping Finnish robotics, prof. Ville Kyrki, Aalto University

11:00-11:15    Aalto Industrial Internet Campus, prof. Martti Mäntylä, Aalto University

11:15-11:30     Machine Type Communications, prof. Riku Jäntti, Aalto University

11:30-11:48   Pitch talks:
11:30   Eero Martikainen / Omron
11:33   Heikki Hyyti / Aalto
11:36   Jatta Salmi / Lancea Oy
11:39   Kimmo Vänni / TaUAS
11:42   Tapio Koskinen / OptoFidelity Oy
11:45   Timo Pitkäkoski / Schunk Intec Oy

11:48-12:00   Introduction to afternoon program (Prof. Quan Zhou)

12:00-13:00  Lounas; demot ja posterit (Otakaari 5 aula)
Lunch; Demos & posters (in the lobby of Otakaari 5)

13:00-15:30   Labrakierros (Automation and Robotics, Communication, Mechanical Engineering including Aalto Industrial Internet Campus)
Lab tour (Automation and Robotics, Communication, Mechanical Engineering including Aalto Industrial Internet Campus)

15:30-16:30   Verkottumista ja demoja (Otakaari 5 aula)
Networking event with demo session (in the lobby of Otakaari 5)

Seminaari on maksuton. Auttaaksesi meitä järjestelyissä, pyydämme ilmoittautumista mahdollisimman pian (viimeistään 18.11.) linkistä

The attendance is free of charge. To help us organize the seminar, please register as soon as possible (by Wednesday November 18th, 2015) following the link:

Jos haluat esittää demon, posterin tai pitää pikapuheen, ota yhteyttä mahdollisimman pian joko ilmoittautumislinkistä tai suoraan sähköpostitse.
If you would like to show a demo, exhibition, or poster, or give a pitch talk in the seminar, please contact us as soon as possible.

Ohjelman yksityiskohdat päivittyvät sivulle http://site.ieee.org/finland-csrasmc/news-and-events/.
The final program will be updated later at: http://site.ieee.org/finland-csrasmc/news-and-events/.

Järjestäjä / Organizer:

IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of Control System Society, Robotics and Automation Society and System, Man and Cybernetics Society; Prof. Quan Zhou and Prof. Ville Kyrki

Deep Learning summer school at Aalto University, 17-19 August

Doctoral Education Network in Intelligent Systems (DENIS) is organizing a summer school on Deep Learning at Aalto University Otaniemi campus 17-19 August. IEEE Finland CS/RA/SMC Chapter promotes the event as a co-organizer. Chapter members have free admission to the lectures of the summer school according to the following. Unfortunately, no new registrations for the practical/exercise program or the social events are available.

Mon Aug 17

10:00-11:30       Introduction to Deep Learning, Prof. Tapani Raiko, Aalto University

12:30-14:00       GPU processing with Theano (and CUDA), Dr. Razvan Pascanu, Google DeepMind

Tue Aug 18    

9:00-10:30          Recurrent neural networks for time-series modelling, Prof. KyungHyun Cho, New York University

11:00-12:30       Convolutional models for computer vision, Prof. Raiko

Wed Aug 19   

9:00-10:00        Combining unsupervised and supervised learning, Prof. Raiko

10:30-11:30       Reinforcement learning with deep learning, Dr. Pascanu

11:30-12:30       Natural language processing and machine translation, Prof. Cho

Venue: Otaniementie 17 (TUAS-building), lecture hall AS1.

If you plan to attend, please inform the organizers by email to Prof. Ville Kyrki ville.kyrki@aalto.fi by Aug 14.

Call for Nominations and Election Meeting for Chapter Officers

Dear IEEE Finland CS&RA&SMC Chapter member,

The election of Chapter Officers is now due for year 2015. The election process has two parts: nominations of candidates and election meeting.

Nominations of Candidates

Four Officer positions are available: Chair, Co-Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary. Please send nominations specifying a candidate’s name, their contact information and to which positions the person is nominated as a candidate, by December 28. A single person can be nominated to as many positions as desired. Nominations should be sent to Ville Kyrki (ville.kyrki@aalto.fi), the current Chapter Chair. Self-nominations are warmly encouraged.

Nominated candidates will be communicated to all voting members by end of December.

Please note that in order to serve as a Chapter Officer, a person needs to belong to at least one of the societies: IEEE Control Systems Society, IEEE Robotics & Automation Society, IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society. There is still time to join one of the societies before the election.

Deadline for nominations of candidates: December 28, 2014.

Election Meeting

Election meeting of new Chapter Officers will be held January 8, 2015, in Otaniemi, Espoo (TUAS-building, Otaniementie 17) starting at 16:30. There will be an additional Call to the Election meeting sent to all voting members by end of December.

Meeting date and time: January 8, 2015 at 16:30 in Otaniemi.

Welcome to the election meeting!

2014 Chapter Officers:
Ville Kyrki, Chair
Lasse Eriksson, Co-Chair
Quan Zhou, Secretary
Tapio Pahikkala, Treasurer