Future Mobility and Robotics applications seminar 2023 – The Future of Robotics in Finland Seminar started


The traditional chapter yearly seminar will be organized in Dipoli / Palaver, Aalto University, Espoo, on Friday 17.11.2023, 1PM – 5PM. To address the trends in smart mobility and robotics, AI , the theme this year is ‘Smart mobility and robotics applications‘. The half-day seminar will have keynote presentations and talks from companies and researchers, as well as a panel discussion. The event serves to bring the Finnish community of researchers, professionals and students around mobility, robotics and its related fields, together, and typically attracts around 100 participants.

The Registration is free, but mandatory and can be done on the link HERE

Tentative program of the seminar is as follows:
Place: Aalto University Espoo, Otaniemi, building Dipoli, meeting room Palaver

12:00 – 13:00 – Joint lunch with Chapter officers, members and guests (Fazer restaurant Dipoli)

13:00 – 13:10 – Dr. Yancho Todorov, VTT, Opening of the seminar

13:10 – 13:50 – Risto Ojala, Kari Tammi, Aalto University, Perception solutions for enabling automated driving in winter conditions.

13:50 – 14.30 – Yancho Todorov, VTT, Digital piloting for city logistics: An approach to accelerate the green transition

14:30 – 15:00 – Coffee break

15:00 – 15:40 – Markku Suomalainen, VTT, Intelligent Robotics in Manufacturing

15:40 – 16:20 – Dominic Bauman, Aalto University, Wireless control of cyber-physical systems

16:20 – Panel discussion and closing words, Pasi Hurri, BaseN

IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of Control System Society, Robotics and Automation Society and System, Man and Cybernetics Society (http://sites.ieee.org/finland-csrasmc/)
Officers: Dr Yancho Todorov, Prof. Tomasz Kucner, Dr. Houari Bettahar, Prof. Simo Särkkä, Pasi Hurri, Prof. Heikki Ailisto
Contact: Dr. Yancho Todorov, chair of the IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of CSS, RAS and SMCS; Email: yancho.todorov@vtt.fi

Best Paper Award of IEEE CSS/RAS/SMCS joint chapter


The IEEE Finland Joint Chapter CSS/RAS/SMCS established a Best Paper Award competition to recognize distinguished contributions made by its members. These contributions serve as exemplars for fellow members to aspire towards.


Any IEEE member of good standing and of Graduate Student Member grade or above and associated with the Jt. Chapter (membership will be determined using https://tblanalytics.ieee.org/) and who is a (co-)author of a journal or conference publication within the journals and conferences listed in the following sites:

The publication date must be between 01.01.2022 and 31.12.2022.


  1. The primary applicant for each paper entry in the competition has to be a member of the chapter, by the date of the application.  
  2. An applicant can’t utilize a co-author’s chapter affiliation to apply.
  3. Each application needs to be accompanied by the applicant’s IEEE number.
  4. The award is personal, and it aims to acknowledge the contribution of the applicant in a certain field within the chapter’s main societies.
  5. In case of papers with overlapping names of co-authors, recognition is given only to the primary applicant.
  6. Members of Jt. Chapter Board are NOT eligible for the award.


The Best Paper Award consists of three prizes, each prize is including a certificate. Additionally, the awardees will receive monetary rewards as follows:

  • First Prize: EUR 400.00
  • Second Prize: EUR 200.00
  • Third Prize: EUR 100.00


The Jt. Chapter Board will verify the eligibility of nominees and seek expert evaluation before it announces the final decision.


The decision on the awards will be solely based on scientific excellence, originality, utility, timeliness, and impact. Nominations are screened and reduced to a short list by the Jt. Chapter Board after the reviews provided by invited experts in relevant fields. Short-listed nominations are then evaluated by the Jt. Chapter Board which will make the final decision. Depending on the quality of the nominations, there might be fewer than three prizes awarded.


Call for Nominations: 1.9. – 1.12.2023.

Review and Evaluation of Nominations: 2.12.2022 – 31.12.2022.

Announcement of Awardees: December 2023.


To consider your paper for the competition, please send a copy of it to the IEEE Finland Joint Chapter CSS/RAS/SMCS chair:

Dr. Yancho Todorov, yancho.todorov@ieee.org


The award will be presented by the Jt. Chapter Chair or his designee at an appropriate Jt. Chapter meeting. The award shall be presented in the name of the Jt. Chapter.


The award recipient shall be publicized in the (name) website of the  Jt. Chapter. A press release shall be sent to the appropriate newspaper(s) of the recipient’s choice

New officers elected for 2023-2024


IEEE Finland CSS/RAS/SMCS Joint Chapter held the officer election meeting in December 2022. New officers have been elected for the term 2023-2024. The new officers are:

Chair: Yancho Todorov (VTT),
Vice Chair: Tomasz Kucner (Aalto University),
Secretary/Treasurer: Houari Bettahar (Aalto University),
Industry Relations Coordinator: Pasi Hurri (BaseN Oy),
Research Relations Officer: Simo Särkkä (Aalto University).

We kindly thank the previous board members, who leave their current position at the end of 2022.

AI in robotics and smart materials – Future of Robotics in Finland Seminar 2022


The Future of Robotics in Finland Seminar started in 2013 will be organized in Dipoli / Takka, Aalto University, Espoo, this year on Thursday 1.12.2022, 1PM – 4PM. To address the trends in smart materials and AI related to robotics, the theme this year is ‘AI in robotics and smart materials‘. The half-day seminar will have keynote presentations and talks from companies and researchers, as well as a panel discussion. The event serves to bring the Finnish community of researchers, professionals and students around robotics and its related fields, together, and typically attracts around 100 participants.

Registration is free, but mandatory and can be done here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_zs7uQSIwSQupiOrY3ZMytQ

Tentative program of the seminar is as follows:
Place, Dipoli / Takka, Aalto University, Espoo

12:45 – 13:00 – Welcome coffee

13:00 – 13:10 – Pasi Hurri, BaseN, Opening of the seminar

13:10 – 13:30 – Alex Jung, Aalto University, Networked Federated Learning

13:30 – 13:50 – Anssi Laukkanen, VTT, ProperTune, AI for materials engineering and materials accelerator platforms

13:50 – 14:10 – Joni Pajarinen, Aalto University, Planning and reinforcement learning in robotics

14:10 – 14:30 – Coffee break

14:30 – 14:50 – Tomasz Kucner, Aalto University, Legible navigation in human-centred environments with spatial models of human dynamics

14:50 – 15:10 – Rituraj Kaushik, Silo.AI, Autogeneration of visual programs for industrial robots

15:10 – 15:30 – Heikki Ailisto, VTT, AI in manufacturing industry – when can we expect wide deployment

15:30 – Panel discussion and closing words, Pasi Hurri, BaseN

IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of Control System Society, Robotics and Automation Society and System, Man and Cybernetics Society (http://sites.ieee.org/finland-csrasmc/)
Officers: Pasi Hurri, Prof. Roel Pieters, D.Sc.(tech) Yancho Todorov, Prof. Simo Särkkä
Contact: Pasi Hurri, chair of the IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of CSS, RAS and SMCS;
Email: twi@basen.net

Smart Mobility & Robotics Innovations – Future of Robotics in Finland Seminar 2021


The Future of Robotics in Finland Seminar started in 2013 will be organized in Dipoli Lumituuli (Espoo) this year on Thursday 21.10.2021. To address the trends in Ethics and AI related to robotics, the theme this year is ‘Smart Mobility & Robotics Innovations‘. The half-day seminar will have keynote presentations and talks from companies and researchers, as well as a panel discussion. The event serves to bring the Finnish community of researchers, professionals and students around robotics and its related fields, together, and typically attracts around 100 participants.

Attendance is free of charge for registered attendees and will be hybrid: both F2F and with remote link is possible.

Thursday 21th of October, 2021, 13:00-16:30 (EET), Otaniemi, Dipoli, Lumituuli Hall

Registration for attending  the seminar is mandatory and can now be done here:


The program of the seminar is as follows:

13:00 PM – 16:30 PM EET

13:15 – 13:15 – Pasi Hurri, BaseN / IEEE CSS/RAS/SMCS joint chapter Chair

13:15 – 14:45 – Smart Mobility

Plenary 1 – Bringing sailing back to shipping, Ville Paakkari, Norsepower (30 + 10 min)

Topic 1 – Controlling & managing systems for unmanned aviation – Petri Mononen, VTT (20 + 5 min)

Topic 2 – Data-driven models of electric powertrains – Janne Keränen, VTT (20 + 5 min)

14:45 – 15:15 – Coffee Break

15:15 – 16:15 – Smart Robotics

Topic 1 – LuxTurrim5G Project – Juha Salmelin, Nokia (30 + 10 min)

Panel discussion – Smart Mobility and Robotics applications in the future (25 min)

16:15 – 16:30 – Closing Pasi Hurri BaseN / IEEE CSS/RAS/SMCS joint chapter Chair

IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of Control System Society, Robotics and Automation Society and System, Man and Cybernetics Society
Officers: Pasi Hurri, Prof. Roel Pieters, Dr. Yancho Todorov, Prof. Simo Särkkä
Contact: Pasi Hurri, chair of the IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of CSS, RAS and SMCS;
Email: twi@basen.net
Local organizer: Sonja Pöyry; Email: sonja@basen.net

New officers elected for 2021-2022


IEEE Finland CSS/RAS/SMCS Joint Chapter held the officer election meeting via Zoom on 18.12.2020 at 10AM. New officers have been elected for the term 2021-2022. The new officers are:

Chair: Pasi Hurri,
Vice Chair: Roel Pieters,
Secretary: Yancho Todorov,
Treasurer: Simo Särkkä

We kindly thank Peter Jakubik and Kshitij Tiwari, the previous board members, who leave their current position at the end of 2020.

Ethics for autonomous robots in military and law enforcement – Future of Robotics in Finland Seminar 2020


The Future of Robotics in Finland Seminar started in 2013 will be organized virtually this year on Friday 20.11.2020. To address the trends in Ethics and AI related to robotics, the theme this year is ”Ethics for autonomous robots in military and law enforcement”. The half-day seminar will have keynote presentations pitch talks and demonstrations from companies and researchers, as well as a panel discussion. The event serves to bring the Finnish community of researchers, professionals and students around robotics and its related fields, together, and typically attracts around 100 participants.

Attendance is free of charge for registered attendees and will be completely virtual.

Call for pitches, demos: Please submit your proposals for (short) pitch talks or technology demos to Sonja Pöyry (sonja@basen.net) by mid November.

Registration for attending  the seminar is mandatory and can now be done here:


The program of the seminar is as follows:

12:00 PM – 3:45 PM EET

12:00 – 12:15 – Pasi Hurri, BaseN / Dr. Roel Pieters, Tampere University – opening of the seminar

12:15 – 12:45 – Prof. Pekka Appelqvist (Ministry of Defence)

12:45 – 13:15 – Dr. Veikko Ikonen (Senior Scientist, VTT)

13:15 – 13:45 – Dr. Mart Noorma (Science and Development Director, Milrem Robotics)

13:45 – 14:00 – BREAK

14:00 – 14:30 – Dr. Kai Kimppa (Adjunct Professor, University Research Fellow, University of Turku)

14:30 – 15:15 – panel discussion:
Jarmo Lindberg
Dr. Veikko Ikonen
Dr. Mart Noorma
Dr. Kai Kimppa
Moderator: Pasi Hurri, BaseN

15:15 – 15:30 – pitch talk: Antti Syvänen (Researcher, Tampere University)

15:30 – 15:45 – Closing of the event, Dr. Roel Pieters, Tampere University

IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of Control System Society, Robotics and Automation Society and System, Man and Cybernetics Society (http://sites.ieee.org/finland-csrasmc/)
Officers: Prof. Roel Pieters, Pasi Hurri, Dr. Peter Jakubik, Prof. Simo Särkkä, Dr. Kshitij Tiwari
Contact: Prof. Roel Pieters, chair of the IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of CSS, RAS and SMCS;
Email: roel.pieters@tuni.fi
Local organizer: Sonja Pöyry; Email: sonja@basen.net

Future of Robotics in Finland Seminar 2019


The 7th Future of Robotics in Finland Seminar was successfully held on Friday 22.11.2019 at Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland, organized by the IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of the Control System Society, Robotics and Automation Society and Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society and in combination with the European Robotics week. This year the main theme was on Economical and Ethical innovation and AI in robotics.

Start of the Seminar

Opening of the Seminar by Pasi Hurri (BaseN Oy)

The morning and afternoon session included six talks. Pasi Hurri and Prof. Roel Pieters hosted the seminar and introduced the IEEE, the chapter and standing officers, followed by three talks by Kim Nyberg from Trimble, Mikko Valtonen from WallRobotics and Harri Holpainen from Zen Robotics. Topics ranged from heavy mobile machine automation, high-rise robotic facade cleaning and robotic waste sorting, and their economical and ethical perspective. Followin a light lunch, three remaining talks were given by Dr. Tapio Taipalus from GIM ltd., Oscar Nissin from Metropolia and Dr. Caj Södergård from VTT. Topics rangerd from ethical automation of self-driving vehicles and artificial intelligence for economic competitiveness and societal progress.

Harri Holopainen (ZenRobotics)

The seminar ended with a panel discussion, featuring panelists Mikko Valtonen, Harri Holpainen, Tapio Taipalus, Oscar Nissin, Caj Södergård and Roel Pieters. Moderator Pasi Hurri engaged in an active discussion on various aspects of the ethical and economical impact of robotics, with passionate input and opinions from the attendees.

Panel discussion

The standing officers of IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of the Control System Society, Robotics and Automation Society and Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society organizing the event are Prof. Roel Pieters, chair, Pasi Hurri, vice chair, Dr. Peter Jakubik, treasurer, Kshitij Tiwari, secretary and Prof. Simo Särkkä, publicity chair. Prof. Roel Pieters and Pasi Hurri were responsible for the organization of the seminar in general, assisted by the other officers, and with great support from Sonja Schubert.

Reported by Roel Pieters, Email: roel.pieters@tuni.fi
Chair of IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of the Control System Society, Robotics and Automation Society and Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society

Economical and Ethical innovation and AI in robotics – Future of Robotics in Finland Seminar 2019


The Future of Robotics in Finland Seminar started in 2013 will be organized again this year on Friday 22.11.2019. To address the trends in Ethics and AI related to robotics, the theme this year is Economical and Ethical innovation and AI in robotics. The full-day seminar will have keynote presentations, posters, pitch talks and demonstrations from companies and researchers, as well as a panel discussion. The event serves to bring the Finnish community of researchers, professionals and students around robotics and its related fields, together, and typically attracts around 100 participants.

Attendance is free of charge for registered attendees, and includes coffee and lunch. The seminar is each year held at a different location in Finland. In 2019, the location will be: Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki.

Call for pitches, demos, posters: Please submit your proposals for (short) pitch talks, technology demos, or posters to Sonja Schubert (sonja@basen.net) by mid November.

Registration for attending  the seminar is mandatory and can now be done here:


Deadline for registration is  Wednesday 20.11.2019.

Tentative program of the seminar is as follows:
Place, Hanken School of Economics, Auditorium A210

09:30 – 09:45 – welcome coffee / registration

09:45 – 10:00 – Pasi Hurri, BaseN / Dr. Roel Pieters, Tampere University – opening of the seminar

10:00 – 10:30 – Kim Nyberg, Trimble

10:30 – 11:00 – Mikko Valtonen, WallRobotics

11:00 – 11:30 – Harri Holopainen, Zen Robotics

11:30-12:30 LUNCH

12:30 – 13:00 – Dr. Tapio Taipalus GIMltd

13:00 – 13:30 – Oscar Nissin, Metropolia

13:30 – 14:00 – Dr. Caj Södergård, VTT

14:00 – 14:15 – Coffee break

14:15 – 14:45 – panel discussion

14:45 – 15:00 – pitch talks

15:00 – closing words Dr. Roel Pieters, Tampere University

IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of Control System Society, Robotics and Automation Society and System, Man and Cybernetics Society (http://sites.ieee.org/finland-csrasmc/)
Officers: Prof. Roel Pieters, Pasi Hurri, Dr. Peter Jakubik, Prof. Simo Särkkä, Dr. Kshitij Tiwari
Contact: Prof. Roel Pieters, chair of the IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of CSS, RAS and SMCS;
Email: roel.pieters@tuni.fi
Local organizer: Sonja schubert; Email: sonja@basen.net

New officers elected for 2019-2020


IEEE Finland CSS/RAS/SMCS Joint Chapter held the officer election meeting on Thursday 20.12.2018 at 16:15-17:00 in Maarintie 8, Espoo, TUAS building, room 1023-1024 AS4. New officers have been elected for the year 2019-2020.

The new officers are:

Chair: Roel Pieters,
Vice Chair: Pasi Hurri,
Secretary: Kshitij Tiwari,
Treasurer: Peter Jakubik,
Publicity Chair: Simo Särkkä