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IEEE SCV EDS Email Distribution List (Dlist) Subscribe/Unsubscribe Instructions
Click here for quick instructions. Read on for details
You provide your own subscribe/unsubscribe services, and can join and leave the email Distribution List (DList) for the IEEE Santa Clara Valley (SCV) Electron Devices Society (EDS) Chapter when desired.
The primary purpose of this Dlist is to distribute the monthly meeting and seminar announcements for the local IEEE SCV EDS Chapter. The names and email addresses in this Dlist will never be sold or shared with others outside of the Santa Clara Valley Section of the IEEE. Only the list administrator can access the Dlist information. The Dlist information is stored on a secure server at the IEEE Headquarters in New Jersey, USA.
You cannot send messages to the members of the IEEE SCV EDS Email Dlist.
The name of the IEEE SCV EDS Dlist is “EDS-CHAP-SCV”.
To subscribe to or update the IEEE SCV EDS Dlist, send an email message to with the following choices in the BODY (not Subject – leave subject blank) of the message:
to SUBSCRIBE: subscribe eds-chap-scv FirstName LastName
an example: subscribe eds-chap-scv John Doe
You will receive a LISTSERV confirmation request by email.
If your SUBSCRIBE email message is successful, you do not need to read the additional information given below at this time.
to UNSUBSCRIBE: unsubscribe eds-chap-scv
Your email address is automatically captured by LISTSERV. To unsubscribe, it must agree exactly with the email address you used to subscribe to the Dlist.
Use a two-step procedure to change from an old to a new email address. First, send an unsubscribe message using your old email address. Second, re-subscribe to the IEEE SCV EDS Dlist by sending a subscribe message using your new email address.
Send email to the IEEE SCV EDS Dlist Administrator if you no longer have access to an old email address that you would like to delete so we can keep the IEEE SCV EDS Dlist database current.
You also have the option to stay subscribed but to suspend email delivery temporarily. When subscribed, you can use these commands:
to SUSPEND mail: set eds-chap-scv nomail to suspend our announcements
to UNSUSPEND: set eds-chap-scv mail to resume our announcements
For other LISTSERV request choices, put the following text in the BODY (not Subject) of the email message:
to get INFO: info eds-chap-scv retrieves information about our Dlist
to get HELP: help retrieves the LISTSERV Help file
For more information on the individual LISTSERV commands: info refcard
You may also use the IEEE LISTSERV web interface to manage all of your IEEE DList subscriptions.
Go to the IEEE LISTSERV URL to manage your IEEE DList subscriptions.
First assign and receive your own LISTSERV password; then select the first option “Subscriber’s Corner” from the LISTSERV site navigation panel on the left side of your browser window.
To modify your subscription: Select “All Lists” in the SHOW box, if needed; look for and click on “EDS-CHAP-SCV”, then make your choices. You can change your desired email address, leave the list temporarily, or leave the list permanently.
We are pleased that you have chosen to participate; please invite others interested in our IEEE Chapter activities to subscribe to this email distribution list.