
The Mozilla Approach to Mobile Security


Thursday, November 14, 2013 @ 1:00pm


E2-165 EITC Building, University of Manitoba Fort Garry Campus


Yvan Boily
Mozilla Corporation


When Mozilla released Firefox in 2004, it was a call to the connected world that the Web should be an open platform; introducing a competitive browser broke the stranglehold that Internet Explorer had on the market, and paved the way for open standards, multiple browsers, and a competitive ecosystem. Firefox helped save the open web, but with the proliferation of smart phones and mobile platforms, there is a serious risk of the mobile web becoming a collection of walled gardens controlled by platform owners. Firefox OS is to the mobile platform what Firefox was to the web platform, but it includes a range of different threats and risks. This session will cover some of the common threats on Mobile platforms, and the approach Mozilla is taking to deal with these in Firefox OS.

Speaker Bio:

Yvan works on building communities in the regions he live in. While in Winnipeg, he ran the OWASP Winnipeg chapter and was involved with IPAM; now in Vancouver, he runs OWASP and participates in teaching the tech community about security.

When not working on that, Yvan manages Web sites and service security for Mozilla; they have hundreds of sites that serve literally hundreds of millions of users, and support Firefox, Firefox for Android, Mozilla Thunderbird, and Firefox OS. He also designed Minion, an open source security as a service. He has presented at AppSecUSA, BSidesSF, BSidesSeattle, and organized BSidesVancouver, and delivered several presentations on air.mozilla.org. He has given guest lectures at several academic institutions, including Red River Community College and the University of Winnipeg.


This will be a free event.


If you would like additional information or if you might be interested in presenting a seminar, please contact Stephane Durocher or the Department of Computer Science.

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