Perception-Based Computing
Thursday, May 2, 2013 from 2:30-3:30 PM
Rm E2-251, EITC (Engineering & Information Technology Complex)
Fort Garry Campus
University of Manitoba
Piotr Wasilewski, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science & Mechanics
Warsaw University, Poland
This talk addresses the basic notions of Perception Based Computing (PBC). Perception is characterized by sensory measurements and ability to apply them to reason about satisfiability of complex vague concepts used, such as guards for actions or invariants to be preserved by agents. Such reasoning is often referred as adaptive judgment. Vague concepts can be approximated on the basis of sensory attributes rather than defined exactly. Approximations usually need to be induced by using hierarchical modelling. Computations require interactions between granules of different complexity, such as elementary sensory granules, granules representing components of agent states, or complex granules representing classifiers that approximate concepts.
We base our approach to interactive computations on interactive information systems and rough sets. Such systems can be used for modelling advanced forms of interactions in hierarchical modelling. Unfortunately, discovery of structures for hierarchical modelling is still a challenge. On the other hand, it is often possible to acquire or approximate them from domain knowledge. Given appropriate hierarchical structures, it becomes feasible to perform adaptive judgment, starting from sensory measurements and ending with conclusions about satisfiability degrees of vague target guards. Thus, our main claim is that PBC should enable users (experts, researchers, students) to submit domain knowledge, by means of a dialog. It should be also possible to submit hypotheses about domain knowledge to be checked semi-automatically.
PBC should be designed more like laboratories helping users in their research rather than fully automatic data mining or knowledge discovery toolkit. In particular, further progress in understanding visual perception (as a special area of PBC) might be possible, if it becomes more open for cooperation with experts from neuroscience, psychology, or cognitive science. We anticipate that PBC might become important in many research areas.
Speaker Bio:
Dr. Piotr Wasilewski received his PhD in mathematical logic from Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland in 2005. In 2009, he received his PhD in cognitive psychology from Warsaw University. During 2009/2010, he was a Post Doctoral Fellow at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Manitoba, Canada. From 2010 he has been an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Mechanics, Warsaw University. Piotr Wasilewski is (co)author of 28 scientific publications.
His areas of interests include perception based computing, interactive granular computing, soft computing methods and application such as rough set theory and formal concept analysis, reasoning with incomplete information, approximate reasoning, wisdom technology, adaptive and autonomous systems, human-computer interaction, cognitive science, intelligent systems, knowledge discovery and data mining. He served on Program Committees of several international conferences. He is a reviewer for several scientific journals, and serves as an expert in the field of computer science for the Polish National Science Centre.
Free, All are welcome.
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For questions or more information contact Witold Kinsner at 474-6490.