The following individuals have volunteered to participate on the Section Executive for 2013. This is subject to ratification at the 2013 AGM currently schedule for January 21, 2013.
Chair: Dr. Sherif Sherif (University of Manitoba)
Dr. Sherif Sherif has a Ph.D. in Optics from the University of Colorado at Boulder, and an M.Sc. in Digital Image Processing from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. After postdoctoral training at the University of Oxford and Imperial College in London, he became a Lecturer in Applied Optics at the University of Kent in Canterbury, UK. He was a Research Officer at the National Research Council in Ottawa before joining the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Manitoba, where he is now Associate Professor. From 2006-2008 he served as Vice-Chair of IEEE Lasers & Electro-Optics Society (LEOS) Chapter in Ottawa. From 2008-present he held different executive positions with the IEEE Winnipeg Section (Vice Chair and Chair of Engineering in Medicine & Biology (EMBS) and Section Vice Chair). As Chair of the Section, he will focus on continuing the Section’s tradition of excellent service to its members, and on encouraging more involvement of young professionals and graduate students in the Section’s activities and executive committees.
Vice-Chair: Mr. Sam Kovnats (Manitoba Hydro)
Mr. Samuel M. Kovnats received a BSc in Electrical Engineering and BA in Economics from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario in 2008. He is an EIT, working at Manitoba Hydro in project management, resource planning, distribution design and at the system control centre. He has been an active volunteer with the IEEE since 2009 when he was named Chair of the Graduates Of the Last Decade (GOLD) affinity group in the IEEE Winnipeg Section. In 2012, he was named as treasurer of the Winnipeg Section. As Vice-Chair of the Section, he will assist the Chair in developing the Section’s technical excellence, quality of continuing education, and membership expansion.
Treasurer: Dr. Puyan Mojabi (University of Manitoba)
Secretary: Jordan Hiebert (Price Industries)
IEEE Winnipeg Section Chapters Appointed Officers (Candidates)
- Communications Chapter: Dr. Pradeepa Yahampath (University of Manitoba)
Chapter of the IEEE Communications Society (COM19) - Computer and Computational Intelligence Chapter: Dr. Witold Kinsner (University of Manitoba)
- EMBS Chapter: Dr. Sherif Sherif (University of Manitoba)
- EduManCom Chapter: Dr. Ken Ferens (University of Manitoba)
- PES Chapter: Mr. Steven Howell (Manitoba Hydro)
- Robotics and Control Chapter: Dr. Nariman Sepehri (University of Manitoba)
- Waves Chapter: Dr. Puyan Mojabi (University of Manitoba)
IEEE Winnipeg Section Affinity Groups Officers (Candidates)
- Life Members: Mr. Len Bateman
- IEEE Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD): Ms. Kathryn Marcynuk (University of Manitoba)
- IEEE Women In Engineering (WIE): Ms. Kathryn Marcynuk (University of Manitoba)
- IEEE Teachers In Service Program (TISP): Dr. Witold Kinsner (University of Manitoba)
IEEE Winnipeg Section Student Branch Officers (Candidates)
- UofM Branch Chair: Mr. Kiral Poon
- Lakehead University Branch Chair: Mr. Allen Pan
- Assiniboine Community College Branch Chair: Mr. Grant Nicol
- Red River College Branch Chair: Mr. Scott Finley
IEEE Standing Committee Appointed Officers (Current)
- Nominating Committee: Witold Kinsner (University of Manitoba), Shaahin Filizadeh (University of Manitoba), and Ani Gole (University of Manitoba)
- Membership Development Committee: Ken Ferens (University of Manitoba)
- Educational Activities Committee: Witold Kinsner (University of Manitoba)
- Professional Activities Committee: Dario Schor (University of Manitoba)
- Audit Committee: Hilmi Turanli (Manitoba Hydro)
- History & Archive Committee: Sam Kovnats (Manitoba Hydro)
- Newsletter Editor: Ali Mehrabani (University of Manitoba)
- IEEE Winnipeg Section Webmaster: Dario Schor (University of Manitoba)