VSC HVDC Technology
Tuesday, December 18, 2012 at 12:00 noon.
Holiday Inn South, 1330 Pembina Highway, Winnipeg
Randy Wachal
Manitoba HVDC Research Centre
This is an introductory presentation for VSC HVDC technology. HVDC VSC technology has developed extremely quickly and offers many
attractive alternatives over the more mature LCC HVDC technology. The basic operation of VSC technology is presented, as well as a comparison of VSC and LCC HVDC technologies. There is significant operation flexibility of VSC convertors control systems. However VSC MMC technology presents several emt simulation challenges. The current status of simulation and model development are presented. A sample of simulation results will be reviewed.
Speaker Bio:
Randy Wachal graduated from the University of Manitoba with BSc EE in 1981. Randy joined Manitoba Hydro where he worked for 13 years on the Nelson River HVDC System as a Control Design and Commissioning Engineer. In 1995 Randy moved to the Manitoba HVDC Research Centre where he is currently the Engineering Project Manager. Randy has been involved in commissioning and lifetime investigation studies on a number of HVDC and SVC systems. Randy is a senior member of IEEE, a Cigre member, Cigre WG Conveyor of B4-57 on DC Grid HVDC VSC Modelling.
Cost and Registration:
- Cash bar available at Noon.
- Lunch served at 12:15 PM.
- Meeting concluded at 1:30 PM.
- Cost of the meal (payable at the door).
Early Registration (On or before December 14, 2012)
- IEEE Members – $15.00
- Non-Members – $19.00
Late Registration (After December 14, 2012)
- IEEE Members – $17.00
- Non-Members – $21.00
The IEEE PES Winnipeg Chapter must guarantee a minimum attendance to the hotel, so please take a moment to register early by RSVP to Jieping Shao by Friday Noon, December 14, 2012, in one of the following ways:
- Phone: 360-7347
- Email: JShao@hydro.mb.ca