AC/DC Coupling and Mitigation
Tuesday, June 15, 2010 at 12:00 noon.
Holiday Inn South, 1330 Pembina Highway, Winnipeg
Joanne Hu, M. Sc, P. Eng
This presentation covers a brief review of the general issues/concerns associated with parallel ac/dc transmission system, a parametric approach that has been developed and applied to a proposed 500 kV HVDC and 275/500 kV AC hybrid transmission system to investigate the impact of significant factors affecting the ac/dc coupling so that the study results and guidelines provided can be applied to any possibly changed future system configuration without requiring a completely new study, and comparison of several mitigation methods on eliminating the induced current.
Speaker Bio:
Ms. Joanne Hu received her Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering in 1995 (China) from Xi’an Jiaotong university and Masters degree in Computer and Electrical engineering in 2001 from University of Manitoba. She has over fifteen years experience in the equipment, transmission planning, and design specifications in the areas of HVAC, HVDC and wind farms. Ms. Hu worked as a system study engineer at Teshmont between 2001 and 2008. Since June 2008, she continued her consulting business with RBJ engineering.
Ms. Hu is a registered professional engineer in Manitoba (APEGM), and a member of IEEE and CIGRE. She is an active working group member of IEEE switchgear committee and is currently involved in the revision of C37.011 (IEEE guide for the application of transient recovery voltage for AC high voltage circuit breaker), C37.10 (IEEE guide for investigation, analysis and reporting of power circuit breaker failures), and C37.100.2 (IEEE standard test procedure for AC capacitance current switching of HV circuit switching devices). She is also contributing to
CIGRE WG B4-51 (Study of converter voltage transient imposed on HVDC converter transformers).
Cost and Registration:
- Cash bar available at Noon.
- Lunch served at 12:15 PM.
- Meeting concluded at 1.30 PM.
- Cost of the meal (payable at the door).
Early Registration (On or before June 11, 2010)
- IEEE Members – $13.00
- Non-Members – $17.00
Late Registration (After June 11, 2010)
- IEEE Members – $15.00
- Non-Members – $19.00
The IEEE PES Winnipeg Chapter must guarantee a minimum attendance to the hotel, so please take a moment to register early by RSVP to Rae Yang by Friday Noon, 11 June 2010, in one of the following ways:
- Phone: 360-4779
- Email: ryang@hydro.mb.ca
- Fax: 360-6177