Communications Chapter Seminar
The demand for wireless communications has enjoyed exponential growth worldwide for decades, and looks to continue unabated into the foreseeable future. Dr. Andrea Goldsmith will speak of the next generation of high-performance wireless networks designed to meet these demands with increased data rates, better coverage and reliability, greater spectral efficiency, and lower energy consumption.
Manitoba Hydro Tour
Manitoba Hydro Place is a ground-breaking example of energy efficiency and sustainability merging with signature architecture. This presentation and tour, lead by Mark Pauls, will share lessons learned, from planning and design to construction and commissioning. The Integrated Design Process will be emphasized, specifically as it relates to energy efficiency.
IEEE Winnipeg Section – May Meeting
This is a monthly meeting of Section, Chapter, Affinity Group representatives to discuss business of the IEEE. It is is open to to any IEEE members that are interested in becoming more involved.
Waves Chapter Seminar
Dr. David Jackson is a professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Huston, Huston, TX. His present research interests include microstrip antennas and circuits, leaky-wave antennas, leakage and radiation effects in microwave integrated circuits, periodic structures, and EMC. In this presentation, he will highlight some of the latest developments in the field of NPlanar Leaky-Wave Antennas.
Power Systems Reliability Evaluation Workshop
The university of Manitoba in conjunction with the Faculty of engineering is excited to present the upcoming workshop; “Power Systems Reliability Evaluation”, a 2-day workshop facilitated by Dr. Roy Billinton and Dr. Rajesh Karki both experts in their field.