In-Situ Soft Nano Particles for Targeted Drug Delivery

RajadasTuesday August 19, 2014
Noon – 1  pm
Texas Instruments (TI) Auditorium E-1
2900 Semiconductor Drive
Santa Clara, CA



TITLE: In-Situ Soft Nano Particles for Targeted Drug Delivery

SPEAKERS: Dr. Jayakumar Rajadas, Director of Biomaterials and Advanced Drug Delivery Laboratory, Stanford University School of Medicine

Pre-Designed nanosomes, self-assembled liposome shells used to protect and help active molecules penetrate cells, interact with biofluids such as blood and intestine secretions to develop into structures of desired patterns. We have shown these soft particles can recognize endothelial linings of the blood capillaries that are proximal to the affected tissues in the heart, brain and liver. We have used these structures to stabilize and target the fragile peptides, proteins and water insoluble therapeutic molecules to different organs. We use various biophysical approaches such as AFM, fluorescence, and NMR to understand the structural details of these molecules

Dr. Jayakumar Rajadas is the Founding Director of the Biomaterials and Advanced Drug Delivery Laboratory at Stanford University as well as Assistant Director Cardiovascular Pharmacology Division, Stanford Cardiovascular Institute. He is also a Lecturer in the Department of Neurology and Neurological Sciences. His research has involved transforming nano science ideas into biomaterial and drug delivery technologies. Before moving to Stanford, he served as the founding chair of the Bio-organic and Neurochemistry Division at one of India’s national laboratories. He is a recipient of several awards including Young scientist award in chemistry for the year 1996 from the Government of India. He has also won the best scientist award from the Tamilnadu State Government India in the year 1999. He is also co-recipient of nine SPARK translational awards in Stanford University. He has published over 150 papers with numerous patent disclosures. He received his MS in Chemistry at the University of Madras and his Ph. D in Biophysical Chemistry at the Indian Institute of Technology.


  • 11:30 am – Registration & light lunch (pizza & drinks)
  • Noon – Presentation & Questions/Answers
  • 1:00 pm – Adjourn