Non-Technical Events
Challenge Weekend | 08.05.2021 – 09.05.2021
Discord Game Night | 16.04.2021
On April 16, we held our first, virtual game night on the IEEE SB UTH Lamia Discord server, for registered branch members and students who wish to join us in the near future. The scheduled games were online chess, and among us, but due to the small number of participants, we decided to modify the plan and only play online chess and scribbl.

IEEE Virtual Vasilopita Cutting 2021
Due to COVID-19, the annual New Year’s cake cutting ceremony of the IEEE SB UTH Lamia had to be moved to a virtual environment, thus we organized a virtual cake cutting event on February 26, at 20:00, on Microsoft Teams. We also delivered an informative talk on the branch’s annual activity plan, our goals for 2021, the formation of a WiE Affinity Group, and the activation of our EMB Student Club. The presentation can be found here:
The event was sponsored by e-food, which provided the winner of the cake cutting with a 10€ e-gift card for their next food delivery.
IEEE Vasilopita Cutting 2020
In a festive atmosphere, the annual Greek tradition of New Year’s cake cutting of our student branch took place on February 18. We would like to thank everyone who attended and participated in the event and we wish you a happy and productive year!
5th Hellenic Student & Young Professional Congress | 08.11.2019 – 10.11.2019
On November 8 to 10, 2019 we attended the 5th Hellenic Student & Young Professional Congress in Xanthi.
Fosscomm 2019 | 11.10.2019 – 13.10.2019
On October 11 to 13, the departments of Science of the University of Thessaly in Lamia hosted the national conference Fosscomm 2019. The members of the student branch participated in lectures and workshops that were conducted, either as volunteers or participants.
IEEE DAY 2018 | 10.10.2018
On October 10, 2018, as part of the celebrations for IEEE DAY, a presentation of our Student Branch was conducted.
TISP (Teacher-In-Service Program) | 25.05.2018
The last TISP of the year took place at the 1st Primary School of Gorgopotamos, where lessons about ARDUINO UNO were delivered to 5th and 6th grade students.
IEEE Student Activities | 17.05.2018
On the 17th of May, 2018 an event about IEEE Student Activities took place, at the premises of the School of Sciences of the University of Thessaly. Efthimia Arvaniti (IEEE R8 SAC Vice-Chair) and university professor, Athanasios Kakarountas, showcased life as an IEEE member and how students can benefit from it.
Open Days, University of Thessaly | 12.02.2018 – 15.02.2018
We welcomed middle school and high school students to introduce them to the different aspects of academic life.
IEEE Vasilopita Cutting 2018
Our Branch honored the Greek New Year’s cake-cutting tradition. We hope that the New Year brings everyone joy and happiness and we hope that it won’t be short of either progress or health. Finally, we would like to extend our gratitude to everyone who joined us today
IEEE Day 2017 | 03.10.2017
On October 3, 2017 our IEEE UTH (Lamia) Student Branch in collaboration with the University of Thessaly, celebrated IEEE Day. At the beginning of the event, the IEEE association, IEEE in Region 8, IEEE Greek Section and IEEE UTH (Lamia) SB presented its past and forthcoming activities to 150 student participants. Besides the introduction and the detailed analysis of IEEE, we organized an easy but interesting programming competition where four teams consisting of 4-5 people were asked to use the Scratch programming language to successfully complete the Pong game. Each member of the winning team was later awarded a power bank. Afterwards, a Coffee & Cake Session took place, where the participants had the chance to get to know us better, to be enlightened about IEEE, about our goals as a Student Branch, and to become IEEE members. Moreover, a party at the local cafeteria ‘People Café –The house project’ was organized at night to create a more pleasant atmosphere between us and the new members and to raise money that will be beneficial for accomplishing our planned activities.
TISP (Teacher-In-Service Program) | 24.05.2017
On May 24, IEEE SB UTH Lamia performed a TISP presentation for the 1st Middle School of Lamia, as part of the TISP series of this semester. The Teacher-In-Service Program (TISP) provides a forum for IEEE volunteers to demonstrate the application of engineering, science and mathematics concepts by sharing their real-world experiences with local pre-university educators and students.
The program’s goals are to:
- Empower section volunteers to collaborate with their local pre-university community
- Promote applied inquiry-based learning
- Enhance the level of technical literacy of pre-university educators
- Encourage pre-university students to pursue technical careers, including engineering
- Increase the general level of technical literacy of pre-university students throughout their educational careers.
Find more about TISP here:
39th Annual Biology Conference | 25.05.2017 – 27.05.2017
It was an honor for IEEE UTH (Lamia) SB to support voluntarily the 39th annual biology conference that took place in Lamia. The organizing committee of the 39th scientific conference of the Greek Biological sciences society (EEBE) invited its members and everyone involved in research in any biological sector, and especially undergraduate and postgraduate students, to participate at the conference that took place in Lamia on the 25th-27th of May. Various scientists, both from Greece and abroad, were presenters at the conference. The annual conference of EEBE has created a long standing scientific tradition, enabling young scientists to present their research work. There were simultaneous poster presentations by undergraduate and graduate students.
Conference link:
TISP (Teacher-In-Service Program)
In 2017, IEEE SB UTH Lamia performed a TISP presentation for the 6th Middle School of Lamia, as part of the TISP series of this semester. The Teacher-In-Service Program (TISP) provides a forum for IEEE volunteers to demonstrate the application of engineering, science and mathematics concepts by sharing their real-world experiences with local pre-university educators or students
The program’s goals are to:
- Empower section volunteers to collaborate with their local pre-university community
- Promote applied inquiry-based learning
- Enhance the level of technical literacy of pre-university educators
- Encourage pre-university students to pursue technical careers, including engineering
- Increase the general level of technical literacy of pre-university students throughout their educational careers.
Athens Science Festival 2017 | 29.03.2017 – 02.04.2017
The Athens Science Festival is a festival devoted to Science and Innovation since 2014, as well as an established cultural landmark in the field of Science, Technology, Innovation and Art in Greece. For over 5 days every spring, residents and schools in and around Attica have the opportunity to explore scientific and technological advancements in an entertaining, innovative and interactive manner. At the same time, researchers, distinguished scientists, educators and artists give their best to communicate science and indulge the visitors to participate in their experience with it. The annual estival links our everyday life to science and highlights the important role of science and technology in the society; by presenting and demonstrating high quality scientific research conducted in Greek academic institutions, by providing dialogue platforms where we can explore insights to complex and controversial scientific issues, by inspiring and creating high standards in the field of science communication and by encouraging young people to consider a science related career. Last but not least, the Athens Science Festival has managed to continuously show to people of all backgrounds and ages that science is not only about knowledge but can also be recreational and fun.
The Athens Science Festival is organized annually by the educational organization “Science Communication – SciCo”, the British Council and the Technopolis of the City of Athens with the invaluable contribution from a plethora of academics, research and educational institutions. The festival is conducted under the auspices of the Ministry of Digital Governance and the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation.
“ΕΜΠΝΕΥΣΙΣ” Festival
It was an honor for IEEE UTH (Lamia) SB to participate in “ΕΜΠΝΕΥΣΙΣ” festival with the project “Coffee mAIker”. The “Coffee mAIker” project was developed by two members, Anastasios Mexias and Evi Kavrochorianou, of the IEEE UTH (Lamia) SB and A2rTEST Team (Applications and Architectures for Reconfigurable Technology). Coffee mAIker is an automatic coffee machine that will make you coffee with the push of a button via the android app called “Coffee mAIker”.
IEEE Vasilopita Cutting 2017
Our branch honored the Greek New Year’s cake-cutting tradition. We hope that the New Year brings everyone joy and happiness and we hope that it won’t be short of either progress or health. Finally, we would like to extend our gratitude to everyone who joined us today.
1st Hellenic TISP Day | 11.12.2016
Greece IEEE Section Educational Activities organized the 1st Hellenic TISP Day on the 11th of December, 2016. It took place in three cities of Greece at the same time. The venues were interconnected and participants from different cities were able to exchange information during the event. The 1st Hellenic IEEE TISP Day offered teachers the opportunity to conduct inquiry-based learning STEM lesson plans, exchange views, develop collaborations and find new ideas for the class of the future. For more information, visit
IEEE Day 2016 | 05.10.2016
On October 5, 2016, the IEEE UTH (Lamia) Student Branch in collaboration with the University of Thessaly, celebrated IEEE Day. At the beginning of the event, the IEEE association, IEEE in region 8, IEEE Greek Section and IEEE UTH (Lamia) SB and its past and forthcoming activities were presented to the 150 student participants. Besides the introduction and the detailed analysis of the IEEE, we organized an easy but interesting programming competition where four teams consisting of 4-5 people were asked to use the Scratch programming language to successfully complete the Pong game. Each member of the winning team was later awarded a power bank. Afterwards, a Coffee & Cake Session took place, where the participants had the chance to get to know us better, to be enlightened about IEEE, about our goals as a Student Branch and to become IEEE members. Moreover, a party at the local cafeteria ‘People Café –The house project’ was organized at night to create a more pleasant atmosphere between us and the new members and to raise money that will be beneficial for accomplishing our planned activities.
3rd Open TISP 2.0 festival | 28.05.2016
On May 28, 2016, our Student Branch organized the third consecutive Open TISP 2.0 festival in the Central Square of Lamia, Greece. The event was met with a huge acceptance from students of all ages, who took part in various activities in the area of engineering and programming. They had materials for everyday use at their disposal, with which they were able to successfully complete the proposed activities chosen by Some of them were the following: Ship the Chip, Tall Tower Challenge, Arduino Blink Challenge. At the end of the event, the students had an understanding of simple engineering and the notion that every problem can be solved when you divide it down to pieces and work rigorously.
IEEE TISP 2.0 | 18.12.2015
On December 18, the IEEE TISP 2.0 was conducted by members of our branch, and included a variety of presentations and activities.
IEEE Day 2015 | 21.10.2015
On October 12, the IEEE SB UTH Lamia hosted an event for IEEE Day 2015, which included briefings about our branch and other social events.
2nd IEEE Open TISP 2.0 Festival | 11.05.2015
On May 11, the 2nd IEEE Open TISP 2.0 festival was hosted by members of our student branch. The event included a lot of fun activities.
IEEE TISP 2.0 | 09.05.2015
On May 9, members of our IEEE SB UTH Lamia visited the Evangelica School of Athens and hosted the IEEE TISP 2.0 seminar.
IEEE TISP 2.0 | 12.02.2015 and 26.03.2015
On March 12 and 16, 2015, the IEEE TISP 2.0 was hosted by the members of our student branch. Young students learned important things about engineering through various presentations and activities.
IEEE TISP 2.0 | 12.12.2014
On December 12, 2014, the IEEE TISP 2014 took place. We had a lot of fun bringing to life our own creations.
IEEE Day 2014 | 30.09.2014
On September 30, 2014, the ΙΕΕΕ SB UTH Lamia carried out the annual celebration of IEEE Day.
1st IEEE Open TISP 2.0 Festival 2014
With great pleasure and a lot of fun activities, the 1st IEEE Open Teacher-In-Service-Program 2.0 Festival was held by the members of our student branch.
8th Annual HSCBB conference | 22.11.2013 – 24.11.2013
On November 22 to 24, 2013, the 8th Annual HSCBB Conference took place at the Faculty of the Science Department of University of Thessaly. The IEEE SB UTH Lamia members were present.
Teacher-in-Service Program 2.0 | 3.11.2013 and 18.11.2013
On the 3rd and 18th of November 2013, the IEEE SB UTH Lamia volunteers collaborated with schools located in Lamia, Greece to deliver a practical engineering-related seminar.
IEEE Day 2013 | 08.10.2013
Our student branch wished a happy IEEE Day to all IEEE members around the world on the “IEEE Day” that was held on the 1st of October.
IEEE Day 2012 | 10.10.2012
With immense joy the first IEEE Day 2012 of ΙΕΕΕ SB UTH Lamia was held on October 10, 2012.