CSU Chico State IEEE has built an award winning autonomous robot which has won 1st place in the San Jose and Sacramento 2018 MicroMouse exhibitions. This robot is designed to navigate a 16x16 randomized maze, find its shortest path to the center, and execute a speed run in the shortest time possible. We are currently working to make our micro-mouse even faster and we hope to apply for more competitions this year.
Project Leader: Robert Goldansky
Project Meetings: Fridays at 3PM on Zoom
You can read out full description here.

The NATCAR Project involves an automated car that follows a white line to complete a racecourse as fast as possible. We are currently in the process of designing and testing this car before the UC Davis NATCAR Competition in March. Joining this project will help you learn more about Open CV, Circuit/PCB design, Microprocessors, and CAD designs.
Project Leader: Gurmanjeet Singh
Project Meetings: Fridays at 1:00PM on Discord
Full project description here.

The Drone Project designs and builds drones to race at competitions such as the Collegiate Drone Racing Association. The group is divided into three main teams: The Mechanical Team, The Electrical Team, and The Software Team, which meet individually to complete tasks.
Project Leader: Rene Mendez
Project Meetings: Fridays at 3:00PM on Discord
We hope to see you there!

Open For Suggestions
If you are interested in beginning a new project feel free to contact us and we will discuss available options for starting one.
IRA Funding
Projects pursued by the IEEE were made possible by funding from IRA (Instructionally Related Activities).
Click here for more information.