Taline Slim

Taline Slim currently holds the position of Social Media Officer at IEEE AUB Student Branch. With a passion for meeting new people, engaging with other societies, and attending events, Taline actively contributes to IEEE AUB by curating captivating content and fostering a vibrant online community.

In her role as Social Media Officer, Taline has achieved significant milestones, notably increasing engagement on the branch’s social media platforms by over 25%. Her strategic approach and creative content have not only attracted a broader audience but also enhanced the visibility and impact of IEEE AUB in the digital space.

Taline brings to the team a valuable combination of click here teamwork and leadership skills. She has successfully led collaborative efforts within the social media team, ensuring seamless coordination and the delivery of high-quality content. Taline’s ability to inspire and guide her team has played a crucial role in the overall success of the social media initiatives.

Outside her role as Social Media Officer, Taline’s academic background and extracurricular involvement underscore her commitment to fostering a dynamic and innovative environment within IEEE AUB. Her proficiency in team collaboration, coupled with her leadership skills, makes Taline an invaluable asset to the IEEE AUB Student Branch.