Member benefits – International
- IEEE Spectrum Magazine-the flagship publication of IEEE, explores the development, applications and implications of new technologies.
- IEEE Xplore-discounted access to more than 3 million documents and publications.
- myIEEE- an interactive web portal exclusive to IEEE Members which allows for the customization of the member experience using gadgets, RSS feeds, et. al.
-™- Internet television offering exclusive programming about technology and engineering.
- IEEE Potentials Magazine – the only student-focused magazine within all of IEEE!
- IEEE memberNET- an online search and networking tool that enables members to connect with technical and engineering experts worldwide.
- What’s New for Students- electronic newsletter for students and graduate student members highlighting resources and new benefits within IEEE.
- IEEE ResumeLab- an online service that allows IEEE members to develop a resume or curriculum vitae using a wide array of resume templates.
- IEEE email alias- free for members with virus protection and spam filtering.
- IEEE Discounts- membership pays for itself with as much as 50% off IEEE products.
- Career Alerts- a weekly email containing career advice plus the job of the week from the IEEE Job Site.
Member benefits in AUB and Lebanon
- Priority on all IEEE AUB events
- Discounts on IEEE AUB events
- Opportunity to contribute and impact the engineering and science community in Lebanon by being an active IEEE member
- Access to all IEEE Lebanon events, prepared by other branches
- Connection with IEEE young professionals Lebanon (YP) that will help students transition into the industry
- Connections with various companies with whom IEEE Lebanon has a Memorandum of Understanding (Nokia, Alfa, Ericsson, BDD, Dar El Handasah, and others)