About IEEE
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advance technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE has more than 425,000 student and professional members, across 160 countries, and supported by 39 societies such as the Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society or the Robotics and Automation Society. It publishes about 30% of the worlds technical papers and shares these findings with its members.
About IEEE AUB Student Branch
The IEEE AUB Student Branch is a community of more than 240 members. We are part of the Lebanon section and Region 8 (Europe, Middle East, and North Africa). We try to contribute to the mission and vision of IEEE and become a vital piece in the big picture. As a student branch, we are dedicated to showing students how to fall in love with engineering and become active members of IEEE. Our goal is to create a community of people interested in different fields of technology and engineering, eager to learn, and willing to share their knowledge with others. We set such an environment through workshops and competitions to allow our students to develop their technical and soft skills, as well as social events for our members to network, connect and have fun! We also welcome our members to join the committee and start building their path in IEEE as active community members.