IEEE AUB Student Branch wins 2 awards at the Lebanon Section General Assembly

The IEEE Lebanon Section General Assembly for the year 2018 took place in Crown Plaza Hotel on Wednesday, February 7, 2018. During this GA, the Section chair Hadi Sawaya gave a speech on the history and progress of the Lebanon Section, and the recent award it has received from region 8. The section also made huge advancement in terms of supporting and funding student branches, chapters, and affinity groups. Chairs from all chapters and affinity groups in Lebanon also gave a brief on their activities and events in 2017. One of the presentations was done by Ms. Zeina Eddo, YP Lebanon chair, during which she highlighted the several initiatives and events that YP worked on in 2017, such as IoT competition, TISP, SYPLC, internship offers, and Alfa site visit.

Finally, chairs from all student branches presented click here their hard work and future plans. The AUB student branch chair, Rawane El Jamal, shed the light on the 20 years of history and progress of the branch, and he fact it is the oldest and biggest branch in Lebanon. Major events mentioned were the Build it Weekend 1.0, the recruitment presentation to E1 engineering students, the internship coffee chat, the annual trivia night, and the first IEEE AUB Snow Camp. Major upcoming plans included the Build It Weekend 2.0 and SYPLC 2018 on March 9 and 10.

Finally, the AUB student branch was awarded the Most Active and Exemplary Student Branch Award in Lebanon for the year 2017, as well as the best IEEE Day 2017 Poster.

The night ended with a lovely dinner and a group picture of all the Lebanon section chairs.