Section Officers

Following are the elected positions within the Richland Section:

Chair Muthu Elen
Vice-Chair Alka Singh
Secretary Mohamed Osman
Treasurer Jereme Haack


Chapter Chairs 

Power and Energy Society

Chair Shuchismita Biswas
Vice-Chair Alex Anderson
Secretary Tracy Roberts


Computer Society

Chair Riley Maltos
Vice-Chair Marco Minutoli


Nuclear and Plasma Society

Chair Evelyn Hirt
Vice-Chair Angela Moore
Secretary Brian Milbrath


Sensors Chapter

Chair Grace McNally
Vice-Chair Shaobu Wang
Secretary Greg Keyes


Young Professionals (YP) 

Chair Shiva Poudel
Vice-Chair Quinn Wright-Mockler
Secretary Fernando Bereta Dos Reis


Women in Engineering (WIE)

Chair Kaveri Mahapatra
Vice-Chair Xue Lyu
Secretary Asmita Acharya


Life Member Affinity Group

Chair Leonard Bond
Vice-Chair Evelyn Hirt
Secretary Larry Aamodt


Other Richland Section Officers and Volunteers

Except for the PACE chair, which is also an elected position, the remaining positions are either appointed by the section chair, or exist simply because someone was willing to do them.

Awards and Recognition

Educational Activities

Web Page

  • Rhonda Schennum (

Student Branch Counselor

Fellows Search Committee

  • Open

Industry Recognition

  • Open

Young Professional Coordinator

  • Open

Membership Development

  • Rhonda Schennum (

Nominations and Appointments

  • Open

Scholarship Chair

Scholarship Committee

Student Activities

  • David McKinnon

For general information on the IEEE Richland Section, email

For all other questions, or to volunteer for any activity, please contact the appropriate officer or volunteer. We are always looking for help. If you want to get involved, we will find a place for you!

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