En marcha

Metrologia Industrial

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/464333

[] Este curso está diseñado para proporcionar una comprensión sólida de los principios y herramientas esenciales de la metrología industrial, fundamentales para garantizar la precisión y calidad en los procesos […]

Activation and promotion of the IEEE student branch.

Carretera Panamericana #1080, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, Mexico, 29050, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/463966

Work meetings with members of the IEEE student branch and promotion to ITTG undergraduate students. Co-sponsored by: Dr. Héctor Ricardo Hernández de León Speaker(s): Miguel Angel Carretera Panamericana #1080, Tuxtla […]

3D printing course

Morelia, Michoacan de Ocampo, Mexico

This course is the complement of the SolidWorks course. It is made for beginners who are interested in printing their first 3D models by their own. They are going to […]